CF 18

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"Hello?" Shiho asked as she answered the phone, she's in her room and it's past midnight.

Who has the nerve calling her in this kind of hour, it's not Heiji nor Shinichi's number and in fact it's an unknown one.

What the frick?!

Its late when she realized that she did a wrong move, was she drown in her works that she didn't even think before answering it?

And before she can ended the call, a familiar voice was heard in the phone.

"It's been a while."

Shiho could see him grin on the other line base on HIS voice.

"How did you get my number?" She asked, void of emotion in her voice.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" The guy on the other line laughs.

Shiho pinch the bridge of her nose.

"What do you want from me?"

"Is it wrong to greet an old friend?" The guys said in teasing tone.

"So we're friends huh? I'm sorry I forgot- oh no wait, I've never consider it." She said in annoyance.

"That hurts." The chuckles.

"What a crazy one, crazier than Heiji."

"Stop playing around, im currently busy and you called me in the most wrong time."

"Why? I know you're awake in this kind of hour, at least most of the time."

"Kaito.." she warned, she's not really in the mood.

"Fine, I was just really wants to greet you and ask how have you been." Kaito Kuroba also known as Kaito Kid said in normal tone.

"Well im fine, obviously." She said with a sigh, she can't help it but to added it with a little bit sarcasm. "And why would you care? Haven't you like not contacted us since the first month of you know.." she referred the time when Shinichi was in coma.

Kaito did visited him, Shinichi is a friend yes but Kaito find Shiho more interesting than the guy who almost looked like him.

Though thats not the reason why he didn't contacted them, he kinda hates hospital and before visiting Shinichi, he force himself to see him just once.

Just to make sure that he will be alright, he knows he will be fine- that Shinichi is a fighter, its just that he couldn't bring himself anymore to visit him- hospital is really a hell from him.

And he didn't contacted them because he was busy these past months but it doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything about them.

Heiji told him everything.

It was Heiji who informed him that Shinichi got hospitalized.

Why wouldn't he? Kaito was one of the few people who knows their situation, about the thing that made them shrink and all.

The truth is, it's not just Heiji, Shinichi and Shiho before- Kaito was with them, maybe not most of the time than Heiji but he's still a trustworthy friend.

"I'm sorry okay?" Kaito sighed. "I've been busy."

"Too busy to see your twin from another parents?" Shiho said, half joke.

Kaito laughs at that.

"I'm not busy now thats why I called you, to inform you that ill visit there- Heiji knows but he wants me to tell it to you too."

"Great." Shiho rolled her eyes. "When are you going here?"

"Tomorrow, no wait- later, since its basically morning now."

Shiho froze, that's so soon.

"You know that Shinichi can't remember you.." she said with a sigh.

Kaito fell silent on the other line, he knows it- it's his fault that he didn't talked to him when he woke up but he can't do anything back then, he's in fact busy.

But now, at least he wants to be close to them again.

"Heiji told me that you guys explained everything to him, so thay includes me." He said with confidence.

"Whatever.." she sighs. "That might be true but it will still take some time before he truly trust you again, just like what happened to me and the others."

"That's not hard, its like we're just going to start all over again." Kaito shrugged on the other line. "And besides, just like what you said- im his twin from a different parents." And he laughs again.

Shiho rolled his eyes while leaning on the chair but a smile is visible in her face.

Looks like they're going to be complete once again.


"Where's Shinichi?" Shiho asked Heiji who's watching some drama.

"What a gay." She thought.

"The last time I checked, im not a lost and found area here." Heiji answered in sarcasm, he's quite irritated on Shiho's stares- he knows what she was thinking.

Shiho smirkes.


Heiji snorted.


Professor Agasa who just entered the living room saw Heiji who's sitting on the couch while looking at Shiho who's standing on his side, glaring back at him- the old man raised his eyebrow in confusion, the two teenagers looks like talking using their eyes.

"More like arguing." Professor Agasa's thought.

"Professor, have you seen Shinichi?" Shiho asked as soon as she lay her eyes on him, Heiji faces Professor Agasa as well- still sitting.

"Ah yes, he was just outside- looks like that kid wants some fresh air."

Shiho faces Heiji who's looking at her also now, it's just them or Shinichi was avoiding them for quite some time now?

Actually, they ignored it at first because there's no way he would ignore them- but then, days keeps passing by and Shinichi spend less time with them but even though he was really avoiding his friends- he did manage to look out for Shiho no matter what.

Shinichi just wants to clear his mind.

"Yohoo, anybody home?!" A loud shout echoes in the mansion.

"Great.." Shiho sighed as Heiji grin.

"The thief has arrive!" Heiji announced.



Sorry, I kinda wrote it half sleepy.

Bare with it :3


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