CF 11

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"And so, Professor Agasa said that I and him should go back there after two months." Heiji said on the cellphone screen of Ai's.

"Okay." She answered as she keeps her fingers tapping on her laptop's keyboard.

Ai is in her room, sitting on the bed- her back resting on the headboard  while her laptop on her legs and her cellphone is on the pillow beside her.

She's in her teenager body.

"Yeah, aren't you excited?" Heiji asked while smiling widely, not minding Ai's one word answers- he's use to it, it's better than no response at all.

"You just got home three days ago." She once again, answered- eyes on the laptop screen.

It amaze Heiji how she can talk with him while her focus are on the formula.

Heiji shrugged, as if Ai can see it. "Well, i just thought you and Shinichi miss me already." He said with a goofy smile- he's definitely kidding around.

"Keep dreaming, Heiji Hattori." Ai answered with a small amused smile on her face.

Heiji laugh on her answer but when it died down her playful expression has been replace by serious one.

"By the way, i talked with Ran." With that, Ai's fingers stop but her eyes are still on the screen- she heard him sigh. "Kazuha told her that i keep going back in america for some reason and i don't know how or why they thought that I'm with Shinichi."

The seriousness is in his voice and that made Ai can't think anything to say.

"Don't worry, i didnt said anything." Heiji added.

For some reason, she felt a relief.

"I know Shinichi is not ready and i don't want to mess with his decision that's why i keep my mouth zip."

Heiji is right, no matter how they want his life get back to normal- they can't decide for Shinichi.

"Are you okay, Shiho?"


"It's probably late there, I'll call you again soon."

She nodded and the video call went off.

Shiho rested her head on the headboard as well, looking up in the ceiling while her fingers are resting on her laptop.

Confused Feelings (CoAi Story)Where stories live. Discover now