CF 47

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"You've been quiet. That's so unusual." Shiho suddenly commented, sitting on the sofa with Heiji on her side. She's typing while Heiji is focusing on whatever is on the television. Its early in the morning, they are in the living room.

Heiji's lips twitched. Whatever he's watching, he can't seem to understand it. Maybe it's because his mind is off somewhere.

He was silent since yesterday night. Everyone noticed it but no one tried to talk about it. They just thought that maybe, he's not in the mood.

"Hn.." is his only answer.

Shiho is not the kind of person that will push someone to tell everything so she wont be left confuse. So she let him stare at nothing. Yes she noticed that hes not even watching the tv. So much for saving electricity.

She then, turned the tv off. Heiji didn't even budge. Now Shiho's sure that something is wrong with her friend.



"Im confused.."

"About what?"

Silence envelopes them, Heiji didn't continue and Shiho felt the sofa moved as he leaned on it- sighing. He then cover his eyes with his arm.

"Nah.. dont mind me." He smiled, but since his arm is covering his eyes- she didn't saw how sad his eyes were.

Shiho now, badly wants to know why he's acting so strange.

"Can you just do me a favor?" He gulped as he felt something in his throat, still smiling. Without hearing her answer even though Shiho nodded, he continue. "Please tell me, im doing a good job. Please?" He pleaded.

Silence again, no one dared to move.

He wants to hear to at least someone, that he's doing a good job of hiding their secrets, that even though he's hurting Ran, Sonoko and Kazuha, its reasonable. He chose to side Shinichi and Shiho for a reason even if, that means he needs to lie to others.

Heiji needs someone to tell him that its fine. Because inside, he's slowly breaking. Guilt was surfacing once again, normally- he will mentally convincing his own self that whatever he is doing is for someone's sake. But for now, he cant seem to calm his own self.

He needed someone to--

"You did good, Hei. You really did."

Heiji was stunned. He didn't noticed that Shiho kneeled on the sofa to reach his head and pats it gently, now she's leaning on the sofa- her chin on the back of her palm while looking at Heiji and while she's caressing his hair softly.

Heiji gulped once again, but not just once- trying to swallow back the obvious possibility of crying.

Finally. The guilt is slowly fading, but he knew it will never be gone. But then, hearing those words makes him calm down.

He didn't move, he let her pats him. Shiho- still doesnt have any idea why he's acting like this, smiled a bit. Whatever is happening to her friend, her patting him or saying those words to help him to be at ease then, she'll do it. Heiji is a great friend, and she felt like- saying those words means something to her as well like how it affects Heiji.

She felt like she really needed to say those words. Not that because Heiji is acting like this but, because he really did something big for her.

But, after this moment? She will nonstop tease him. Prepare yourself Heiji Hattori.


"We're glad that you're okay, Professor. " Heiji.

All of them are in Professor's room at the hospital. They are informed that he's perfectly fine and in the process of recovery.

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