CF 22

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"Shinichi?" Shiho while he was pulling her, confused but she let him do that.

Whatever is happening to this guy to act like this is not enough for Shiho to stop him since he's wearing a serious expression in his face which she often see when they're in trouble in the past, but now- something seems off.

Shiho sighed silently and found their selves in the pavilion later on.

Shinichi gently let her go but his back still facing her, she caress her wrist after he releases it.

Minutes past and Shinichi still remained silent causes Shiho to loses her patience.

"Are you going to tell me whats wrong and whats going on or you're just gonna stay silent until i beat your ass and force you to talk?" Shiho asked annoyingly.

Still, he stayed silent- he's lost in his thoughts.

Shiho rolled her eyes, earlier she was with Kaito who's badmouthing Heiji and she enjoyed it because honestly- they're just kidding around, that's why she was smiling and Kaito was laughing like an idiot.

And now, here she was- with a guy who pulled her for no reason.

But, isnt it the right time to talk to him? Shinichi was avoiding them- avoiding her, and this is the right time to ask him about that.


"Do you like him?"

"What?" Shiho, kinda frozen as Shinichi cutted him off- as soon as she recovered, confusion envelopes her face.

"Kaito.. Do you like him?" Shinichi almost whispered.

What the hell is he talking about? Like Kaito? What kind of like?

"Of course i do like him.." Shiho admitted making Shinichi swallowed his breath and stop it for a while unconsciously- shock on what he heard, so he's right-- "..he's my friend, why wouldn't i like him?" Shiho added as she raised her eyebrow.

Seriously, whats with the question? He's starting to annoy her.

And she's telling the truth, she likes Kaito just much as she likes Heiji.

She may never admitted it with their faces but with Shinichi asking her that all of a sudden made her taken a back.

And plus the fact that she was quite annoyed by his sudden actions.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" Shiho.

Shinichi sighed deeply, still confused.

"If- if you didn't like him that way, why did you let him k-ki--"

"What? Why did i let him what?" Shiho, still raising an eyebrow.

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