CF 37

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Shiho suddenly sits up, eyes widen- sweats forming on her forehead, tears threatening to come down and out of breath.

"Shi?" Shinichi sits up as well as he spoke in husky tone for he just woke up all of a sudden as he felt the bed's movements.

Shiho blinks as she heard his voice and she faces him.

'He's here.'

'He's safe.'

Words that come into her mind, its still in the middle of the night but she was once again, woke up by her nightmares.

Shinichi sighed deeply, sleepiness escaped him as he saw her face- her vulnerable face that she was letting only him to see.

Without words, he pulled her into him and hugs her gently- she then quickly hides her face on his neck, wrapping her arms around his waist and his around her back- patting her gently for her to calm down.

Shiho inhaled his scents and as it hits her nerves, she instantly calm down.

'Shin is really here.'

"Bad dreams go away, dont come again another day- please leave my dear Shi and stay away.." He mumbles in rain rain go away melody which made Shiho giggled a bit.

Shinichi smiled as he felt her movements.

"Im not going anywhere, Shi." He kissed her head tightly which made Shiho closes her eyes with a smile on her face.

Since the day Shinichi got lost, they didn't expect that it will hit Shiho hard- she was become more anxious and more protected if possible to Shinichi.

She's not feeling safe without Shinichi on her side.

She's not worried about herself, she's worried something or someone will steal Shinichi away.

That causes her bad dreams.

One, Shinichi was caught by black organization and she never saw him again.

And two, Shinichi with Ran.

Both happy and reunited, her on the back once again.

She cant indentify which is worst.

That's why, without knowing what she was dreaming about- Shinichi stays and sleep at Shiho's room.

At first, when he doesn't has a clue that Shiho was just keeping it at herself- she was crying at night.

He discovers it when he was going to the kitchen and he hears her scream 'No! Not Shinichi!'.

Since that night, he spends the rest of it with her.

They had no problem with Shinichi's parents for they trust the kids and they understand the situation.

Even them, they tightened their security in case of something happened.


"She'll be okay, stop that face- Hei." Kaito said softly.

Heiji sighed and place his chin under his palm, his arm leaning on the table.

The four of them are in the library, Heiji and Kaito is one table away from Shiho and Shinichi's.

"I know, but still.." Heiji answered.

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