CF 31

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"Good morning.." A beautiful and bright smile welcomed Shinichi as he opened his eyes.

He was laying comfortably in his huge bed covered with white sheets and his body covered with white blankets, his hair is messy but in a good way.

"Morning.." He greeted back in a husky way while smiling as well.

Shinichi watches as some of Shiho's hair strands gently falls off her shoulder, he watches as the wind blows directly to their white curtains in their bedroom.

Sunlight piercing through the windows and door, Shiho's sitting on the side of the bed with Shinichi's white polo covering her body- her legs are bare.

"Staring is rude." Shiho replied with a soft and low voice, still smiling.

"How can I admire you without looking at you?" Shinichi teases, still laying on the bed.

Shiho playfully rolled her eyes but the smile is still plastered in her face.

"Get up." She ordered, in a soft and low tone once again- its her normal tone now.

"Don't wanna.." Shinichi whined playfully, imitating a kid.

"Get up~" She hold his hand and starts pulling him a bit.

Shinichi playfully groaned, still playing hard to get.

"Shinichi.." Shiho warned but he didn't flinch, enjoying seeing her trying hard to lift him up.

Seconds later, he pulled her towards his body and when she falls over him- Shinichi hugs her a bit tight making Shiho stunned for a moment but wrap her arms around his as soon as she recover.

Shinichi kissed the top of her head before rolling and placing his body over her's.

They stared for a moment at each other.




While doing that, Shinichi can't stop thinking how beautiful she is- her long hair scattered around the pillow, her plum lips that's so inviting- her eyes that seems glowing.

Oh how she loves this girl so much.


All of her, is his.

"Can I show you what's the right way to wake me up next time?"He gives her his toothy grin.

"There's a proper way to wake you up?" She raised an eyebrow, god- she's still so beautiful while doing it.

"Uh-hn.." He nodded while smiling playfully and then he grinned widely. "Good morning!" He started to show her the 'way' on how she was suppose to wake him up.

"I.." He leaned down while his elbows are leaning on her sides, gently planting a kiss on her forehead. "love.." he then, kissed the tip if her nose but he didn't stop with only that- he showered her cheeks with his kisses making her giggles a bit.

"" Shinichi stopped and stares at her once again. "I love you.." He said once again.

She then, showed him her genuine smile while her eyes showed how happy she is.

And then she closed her eyes for she knows what's next.

As soon as she felt something soft yet hard lips of him on hers, the butterflies in her stomach starts to flutter- sparks starts igniting inside her head, waves of emotions crawls inside her.

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