CF 29

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Sie: Let's go back to my original writing. No more crowns and etc. Lol.


Something is off.

Words that lingering on Yukiko's mind.

Kaito and Heiji was quiet while eating which is not normal because, it's them.

Silence was never been an option when you put those two on the same room.

On the other hand, Shinichi and Ai was the same- but, it feels like something changed.

Is it the huge smile on her son?

Is it the full of life in her daughter's eyes?

Seriously, whats going on?

"Hon, you're not eating- is something wrong?" Yusaku asked as he stopped eating as well when he noticed that his wife was so silent.

She's always the light of the room.

"H-huh? Oh.. It's nothing." She forced a smile.

Everyone snapped their heads towards Yukiko's direction as Yusaku asked her.

Yusaku gently analyze her, is she still bothered by their 'thing' with BO?

Yukiko who noticed her husband's look, put her hands over his and gently squeezes it.

She knows that look, he's reading her but there's nothing to worry about, she's just confused with those people who's with her in the dining room.

Yusaku sighed in defeat, fine- he will let it go.

Sometimes, detectives do over think some things.

"How's your little vacation, guys?" Asked by Shinichi, remembering that they just came back.

Professor Agasa tried to act normal with forcing himself not to stopped from eating while the couple has no problem acting like nothing happened.

"It's fun, son." Yusaku smiled.

"And tiring." Yukiko added.

They didn't lied at all, they just didn't said further more information.

Shinichi who was convinced, only nodded.

The three other kids didn't bother to joined the conversation, Kaito and Heiji didn't even conclude that maybe something happened because thats how good Shinichi's parents was.

No matter how great these kids are, they can't surpass the adults' experience.

"Thanks for the food." Ai said before standing up.

"Already done?" Yusaku.

Ai nodded before standing up and leaving the dining room.

"Thanks for the food!" Shinichi's dinner was almost done but then he quickly ate all of his food on his plate before standing up. "Wait up!" He shouted a bit as he followed Ai.

Heiji shook his head, definitely not the past Shinichi but Conan when he grew up.

Kaito was kept eating, ignoring the little scene.

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