Where are we?

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*In a galaxy far far away*

Luke's POV:

I woke up in a poorly lid grey room that has two beds and a small toilet. Where am I? This is not the academy.

From the looks of this place, it is obviously a prison. The locked door only confirms my speculation. This is deffinetly something that is not used for greeting guests, rather enemies.

Light cries filled the small area, they came from my grand niece, Dorothylla. She is not laying on her bed, but sitting on the cold floor,her back attached on the stone wall.

She hugged her knees tightly, her head buried into her delicate hands. I felt like my heart just got defeated with sadness, for her, for my favorite niece in the world.

I came next to her and sat on the floor, looking her with despair. It kills me to see her so unhappy, for something that is not her fault. We are obviously kidnapped, but by whom?

The problem is I don't remembered anything that occurred the day we were taken. They must have erased our memories, or put us on deep sleep.

I glanced at her. Her small body still closed tightly, rolled into a ball. I reached her and hugged her, warmly. She is like the daughter I never had, and I will do anything in my power to get her out of here.

I don't even understand why is she taken along with me? I am a master Jedi and I had many duels and conflicts in my life time, so it doesn't surprise me to be taken like this.

Many want to confront me, even kill me, and I am not scared. The Jedi have an after life like spirits that will follow and help the living, give them advice.

"Shh my child, please don't cry, don't stress yourself." I said to her.

She unwrapped and buried her face into my chest, her warm tears covering my grey tunic.

"I am afraid, I want mummy and daddy." She spills the words between sobs, her skin not leaving my clothes. I hug her even tighter, and kiss her dark hair. She reminds me of Ben sometimes, when he was a kid. He used to do the same thing when he was sad or scared.

"A Jedi is never afraid of anything, there is always a solution for every problem, even this one. You must stay calm and collected. Our only chance for getting out of here is with the help of our own minds, do you understand?"

"Yes, but we don't know anything. Where are we? What are we doing here master Luke?" I smiled at her comment, she respects me just like a padawan respects their teacher.

"To you I am master Luke only in the academy, out of there I am your grand uncle, your family." She stopped crying, her tears slowly drying on her snow white skin. Her nearly black eyes staring in my bare sole, came alive.

For the first time today I saw a pinch of joy in them, and they made my heart bounce with happiness. Optimism filled my mind, we are both going to get out of here, alive. Together.

She will help me, and I will help her. She is strong with the force, stronger than she knows. Stronger than her parents think. She has the blood of a true Jedi, a wise mind and compassion for learning and the people she loves. Those things make a great force user.

"Thank you uncle Luke. Now we need to prepare a plan, a one that will get us out in one piece." She once again rested her head on my chest.

"Child, first we need to wait. Time must pass. We must find on which planet we are, then find out how to get out unnoticed, and think of a way to steal a ship and fly back home. I am certain your parents will come for us, and even if we don't succeed alone, we will get out with their help."

"So what do we do now"?

"You need to rest, lay on the bed now, and try to fall asleep. If it helps there is a meditation that will relax you." I commented. I got up and she did too.

She climbed into the structure that can be assumed as bed and covered herself with a thin green blanket.

Sudden opening of the door caught us unprepared. Two armed men with full golden armour on them came inside. They are most likely guards.

I stood protectively over my grand niece, who got pale as a ghost.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I dared to ask first. They stayed emotionless like their face is made from stone.

"Someone desires to see you." They said coldly.

Hi guys, how are you doing? Happy mothers day to all the lovely moms out there! Hope you like the chapter, let me know. Cheers! 😄💓

In Battle With Time (Reylo Fanfiction) Sequel To Trust The Stars #TheWattys2016Where stories live. Discover now