After we arrived home

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Ben's POV

I passed throw my house deep in thought. Something inside me
is distressing me more than usual. I have that feeling in my back, the one telling me that something is not right, something is being prepared in the shadows and I have no idea what it is.

Slightly when I think more about it, I believe it has something to do with the information Luke gave me, the one my mother sent me. This isn't the first time for her to inform me about something that is classified as top secret and later we find out it is not of great importance or the theory was wrong. She can react sometimes over the top, but something about this tells me it is not the case.

Winter is coming and I feel the cold breeze traveling throw my grey tonic as I wander near the balcony. Long ago I wouldn't have minded the cold, simply because I was familiar with it. The Star Killer Base was a cold place in every way imaginable, but now I am acustemed with the warmth that erupts from everyone, even the weather.

I don't want to sound like a fortune teller but the cold always reminds me of the dark side, of war and distraction. It reminds me of the Sith, the killers that fought for their dark leaders. Palpatine, Darth Plagueis then Snoke. The last thing I want is to remember this winter for bad, so I will do everything in my power to secure the people I love, and the nation we protect.

Suddenly a sound of heels walking on a glass echoed in the house, I smiled softly, I need her now, I need my Rey. She entered the room, small smile on her rose lips. I extended my arm to reach hers. She placed her white hand into my palm and instantly she was in my warm imbrace. Her head gently resting on my chest, her breathing directly on top of my heart, her shiny hair under my chin.

I shut my eyes tightly, forgetting about everything for a moment, my mind diverted only on her. I kissed her hair, smeling her enchanting odor that smelled like fresh jasmine. She started using this perfume that discoveres her exotic and sensual side, the perfect combination.

"You smell divine, my love." I complimented her, knowing that she will get cheerful.

"Hahaha, I know, everyone tells me that." She sounded flirty, her smile huge, she loves to make me jealous, and from time to time it works.

"Is that so?" I asked her jokingly in a playful tone, not leaving her from my hug.

"Yes." She answered and buried her head even more in my chest. Seems she has a slight blush on her snow cheeks.

"By whom, may I ask?" I kissed her head again and brushed it with my hand.

"By Leia, Luke, Finn and Poe, even BB-8." I laughed.

"That droid was always suspicious, I believe he has a crush on you." I commented making her grin even more. She let go of me, her eyes locked on mine. She didn't say anything , but I know what she ment, what she wanted. I made the first step, slowly, taking my time.

Our lips collided in perfect harmony, just like water and earth, moving in enjoyable pace, that suits our needs. She wasn't demanding, but I felt her need for more, for passion. It was my obligation to deepen the kiss and feel her even more.

Our little moment was harshly interrupted by a loud scream. We both pulled away in the same time, shock and worry on our faces. Our eyes searched for the source of the dread shriek, and we saw a middle age woman dressed in white and brown. She wore her hair up, so the axiety was obvious on her features.

"What is wrong?" I called from the second floor of my villa. She stood next to one of the oat trees in my garden and took a second to steady her breathing.

"It is the academy, the jedi academy." She yelled. Instantly my blood froze, and I felt the temperature going lower. Rey started sobbing, from the thought.

"What is happening there?" I shouted with all my strength, praying that it is not that bad. The woman hesidated and lowered her head. If I survived the previous part, I was dead inside now.

"It is burning. Someone started a fire." I didn't wait a second, and started running down the halls. I must get there as soon as possible. Tears formed in my eyes, my mind went blank, I could only hear the steps my wife made after me. There was only one person on my mind, my dauther.

Dorothylla if something happens to you, I swear I will never forgive myself, never...

I am sorry I haven't updated lately, but my trip took me a whole week. I can only say that central Europe is truly fantastic, and I hope I will visit it soon. Guys, I will try to update more regulary, but sometimes it is hard with all the things called life. Hahah, anyways I hope you liked the chapter, talk to you soon. Bye! :D <3

In Battle With Time (Reylo Fanfiction) Sequel To Trust The Stars #TheWattys2016Where stories live. Discover now