Between sides

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Rey's POV

The darkness soon started to wear off. It felt like I was in a huge black tunnel that had a light ending, and I was getting closer, and closer with each passing moment.

My body didn't exactly feel heavy anymore, it was like all the weight of my previous suffering, had hovered away from me, like the bird of my soul found freedom, in eternal weightless light and life.

I wanted to continue walking down that clean path, I wanted to finally reach my freedom, I wanted to run away from all the worries that happened to me.

And I was close, so close to the end...or the beginning of something new, something immortal and beautiful. I blinked few times, because the white light was getting too strong, but it wasn't hurting was rather caressing me.

I glanced at myself, I was still there, my structure was the same, but looked like a ghost, I was like a shadow. I seemed like fading, slowly but certainly. The tunnel was empty, with only me inside, standing there in the middle, unsure to continue or not.

My body seemed to separate from its own, one part wanted to be finally released of the chains of life, while the other wanted to return to the people I cared the most, to my daughter and husband.

I was alone in this decision, I had to take it alone. Then what should it be? Was I happy? Did I achieve everything in life that I wanted? Was I ready to do this?

"Whatever you choose, if you decide to stay, there is no going back, child." I looked at the shadow standing in front of me. There at the end of the tunnel was a gorgeous middle aged woman with long brown hair and sparling hazel eyes. Her clothes were luxurious, but her kind face made her dress seem even modest.

"Who are you?" I asked. She just smiled warmly, and walked few more steps towards me.

"I am your mother, Rey, I am the woman that waited for you so long. I'm happy that I finally meet you after so many years." She was now standing right in front of me. I was lost in her endless eyes, searching for the truth, for the memories that were lost to me all this decades.

"Close your eyes." She said softly, her voice sounds like the most lovely lullaby ever. I did as she said, slightly scared that this will be finally the end, each moment I expected that she would transport me to a better place, but instead in front of my own eyes I saw flashbacks of my past, of the times when I was a careless baby.

I saw her singing me a folksong before bed, hugging me gently with her cotton soft hands, playing with me in the large garden, brushing my hair, kissing my forehead, I saw my happy face, I saw the love that we shared between each other.

" You may open them now." Her right hand is placed on my cheek, and it sent warmth like never before. This is true love, sure I am loved by my family, but this is different, this is special.

"Mother, mom...I...missed you so much!" I fell in her soft hands, embracing everything that is connected to her. "Mom, I'm scared. Bad things are happening, father is against us, against us all. He wants to wrath us, forever. He is angry and uncontrollable, I think he even went mad, from all of that revenge. He wants to avenge you." I commented, my face still buried in her pale neck.

"I know Rey, I see everything. He is lost, he turned on the wrong path, believing that he will make me some good. But what has been done, can not be undone. It already happened, and I am no longer there, as much as he wants me to be, it won't happen. Don't worry my dear, I already forgave them, I already forgave Ben's side of the family. It's over, it's time for peace. So my honest advice is to leave this place while you still can. Don't leave your daughter the same way I did, you at least have a chance to come back. Dorothylla should grow with a mother by her side, and Ben should grow old with a wife by his."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course honey, don't worry about me, we will see each other again, when you will have your life lived to the fullest, when your heart will be filled with thousands of memories, that my ear would be honored to hear. Farewell darling, I love you, never forget that." Her smile stayed on her face, till she completely disappeared in the glowing light, and I once again was returned in the void of darkness.


"Mom, mom! Call a doctor, she is finally awake!" Dorothylla screamed. "Mom, please get better faster, something terrible is happening, please." I opened my eyes in an instant, it is time to get things right with my evil father...

The new chapter is up!

Today I watched Star Trek Beyond, but Star Wars will always be my favorite, even though the movie was good.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, it might seem like a filler, but it really isn't, you will see later.

New chapter up tomorrow!

Till then,

<33333 SandGold

In Battle With Time (Reylo Fanfiction) Sequel To Trust The Stars #TheWattys2016Where stories live. Discover now