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Hinata's POV

My palms were sweating and I almost lost my balance.

"I really have to wear these?" I tapped Sakura's shoulder who was in front of me.

"Well you don't have any other shoes that's are decent." She whispered back.

I shifted in the small heels the girls had given me to wear. My long, black graduation gown hid my black jean shorts and white dress top.

Name after name was being called up onto the stage, receiving their diplomas. My heart was racing, so excited to finally be free from Konoha high.

"Haruno, Sakura." Principal Tsunade called from the podium.

She winked at me and smiled then oh so gracefully walked onto the stage. The pinkette received her diploma and blushed with how loud her parents were cheering for her.

Sakura waved and smiled at the crowd then smiled at me. I sucked in a deep breath and waited for my name.

"Hyuga, Hinata." The blonde woman's voice echoed in my head.

I released my breath and took a step forward towards the stage. My heels clicked on the hard floor and my hair swayed on my back.

I prayed I wouldn't trip as I walked onto the stage. I blinked, looking out into the crowd. People cheered for me and Kiba went wild.

"Good job, Miss Hyuga. I'm very proud of you." Tsunade murmured softly.


I smiled at the crowd and my eyes locked with a pair in line, still waiting to get their diploma.

They were blue. A bright ocean blue that calmed me. I blinked and lost track of them and walked off the stage.

I took my seat next to Sakura and she moved the tassel of my graduation cap to the other side.

"We're graduates." She stated simply with a smile.

We waited for the last of the students to be called and I had nodded off towards the end.

"Hey, Hinata, wake up." Sakura nudged me. "Sasuke is next one." She squealed.

"Uchiha, Sasuke."

I opened my eyes and looked at the raven haired boy walk across the stage and smiled. Sakura's eyes focused on him and I rolled my eyes. It was rather cute though.

"Uzumaki, Naruto."

I black cap covered blonde hair and bright blue eyes looked towards our principal. His smile brightened the room.


There was a sudden burst of cheering above from the balcony seats in the auditorium.

"That's my boy! Woo!" A loud voice yelled.

I looked up but I didn't see the owner. I shrugged and looked back to the blonde on stage who waved up at the stand.

He glows.

After everyone was called we all walked outside. There were cheers and cries and suddenly everyone threw their caps up. I didn't, why lose it?

A hand grabbed mine and pulled me out of the commotion and away from Sakura. A small gasp escaped my lips at the sudden motion and I looked up at my captor.

His features registered in my mind and pulled my hand away from his.

"Kiba, you ass! You scared me!" I snapped at the brunette.

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