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Naruto's POV

The house was quiet as I walked through it. No one was here, just me.

The night was silent and stars bright in the dark sky. The stars all seemed to be shining in different brilliancies, some of them brighter than the others.

All of my friends were long gone by now, the house and lawn were clean from the party from the night before.

Shion stuck around a little longer and made dinner. Although I already had left overs in the fridge to eat, she insisted on cooking a proper meal.

But now I was all alone in the giant Uzumaki mansion.

My parents wouldn't be home until tomorrow morning so I had the whole house to myself. It's not like I haven't been here alone before but sometimes it just feels lonely.

Like right now.

It seemed rather quieter than usual.

Not even the sound the crickets chirping outside was heard.

My arms swung back and forth as I walked, clapping in front and behind me as I went. My bare feet made a pattering sound on the wooden floors.

The moonlight poured in through the crystal windows and bounced off of any surface that was able to reflect it.

"So quiet!" I yelled, a small echo being created.

A sigh escaped my lips as I ran a hand through my blonde hair.

Tonight seemed particularly silent... Very annoyingly silent.

I looked at the silver clock hanging on the kitchen wall, 11:36pm.

I sighed again and turned around back into the direction of the living room. My eyes felt heavy with sleep but my body seemed to be wide awake.

After a couple of paces, my feet left the hard wooden floor and connected with the soft carpet.

All of the lights in the house were off which made the night even darker than it should be. Although I liked the darkness, it was soothing for one.

I scratched my bare chest and yawned, sucking in a huge amount of air.

My cell phone began to ring from upstairs. I was honestly surprised that I could hear it from all the way down here.

I didn't rush.

A missed call is a missed call.

Walking again, the bottoms of my feet left the cozy comfort of the carpet and returned to the hard floor.

My cell continued to ring, echoing between the walls. The sound suddenly stopped, a missed call notification probably coming through.

My feet lazily dragged my body up the hard stairs to retrieve the mobile device. I yawned again as I turned the hall, almost getting to my room.

The high pitched ringtone began again just as I opened my bedroom door. I threw the covers off of the bed and found my smartphone.

"Mosh moshi?" I answered with a long yawn afterwards.

I could hear breathing on the other line then suddenly a small sniffle of some sort.

"Who is this?" I questioned.

"A-ano...." a voice squeaked. "N-Naruto..."

The voice was feminine like and my eyebrows furrowed, the voice beginning to sound familiar.

"It's me."

Hinata's POV

The night breeze blew through my hair and a shiver ran through my spine. I clutched my bag close to my chest, trying to think of a solution of where I would sleep.

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