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Naruto's POV

"Hinata." She smiled at me.

Hinata. That's a beautiful name.

We stared at each other for a few minutes in silence. The morning breeze blew by, picking up her hair and the bottom of her dress. She looked away and rubbed her hands together then kinda blushed a bit.

"Ano... Do you need a ride home?" I asked.

"U-uh... No it's fine. I-I should get going anyways." The bluenette smiled once again and took a few steps back.

"Are you sure? It's no trouble, really." I didn't want her to walk.

"I'm sure. But thank you, and once again I'm very sorry about-"

"No, you had a valid reason. There was no damage so no need to be sorry."

She bowed her head slightly and turned away. Her dark hair glistened in the morning sunlight when she turned.

"Arigato... Naruto."

My heart warmed hearing her say my name.

She walked down the steps, her sandals making a clicking sound. The lavender eyed girl turned for a second and our eyes locked.

The corners of my mouth raised up into a small grin and she mimicked my reaction.

After what seemed like a day, Hinata, turned around and made her way out of my Uzumaki estate.

I shook my head clear of thoughts and returned back inside the white mansion. After I closed and locked the door, I made my way back into the living room.

I took my seat on the chocolate colored recliner and let out a breath.

Her soft lavender eyes burned into my brain, they seemed so unique but then again Shion's eyes are a few shades darker than hers.... I guess that's why they're unique.

Long, beautiful blue/purple locks of hair were owned by her. A pale, milky skin tone accented her unique features.

She was an absolutely stunning sight.


That was really not what I was expecting it to be.

Seriously. I was expecting some brute or stupid freshman to have stolen my car but... Not a girl.

Especially not a.... Pretty girl.

Who would've thought? Only goes to prove that you can't judge a book by it's cover.

But seriously... how could someone like that steal my car? She was absolutely beautiful and didn't even seem like trouble.

She stuttered and blushed; was a nervous mess when she confronted me. I mean... Last night when she pulled Shion's hair she seemed like a badass.

But she was an angel.

And I was so ready to bite their head off and call the police but... I couldn't. Just something about her made me not want to yell.

"Naruto, what's wrong? You're just staring at your car key." Kiba's voice broke me from my thoughts.

I looked up from the shiny object in my grasp to the circle of friends that stayed over last night. Mainly because they were too drunk to drive.... And still are.

"Sorry it's just... I can't get that girl out of my head." I ran my fingers through my mess of blonde hair.

"Girl?" Sasuke questioned.

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