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Hinata's POV

"Oops." Shion said with an innocent tone.

I was dripping with red liquid, it had already soaked my hair and clothes and dribbled into my shoes.

I looked into her eyes and felt tears threaten to fall in my own. I bit the inside of my lip and felt anger boil in my stomach.

"Bitch!" I yelled and ran towards her.

She screamed and dropped the plastic bowl and attempted to run but I grabbed her hair.

The blonde shrieked and fell back, her hair still in my hand. She held her hair but kept a bitch face trying to be tough.

Shion was now sitting in the puddle of punch but I didn't move. I bent down to ear to where she could hear a whisper.

"Don't mess with me." I growled and threw her head forward.

She caught herself and I walked past her, heading to the door. She didn't follow me and no one else did. It was silence from one area but as soon as I was out the music was loud and people were shouting.

People stared at the girl covered in fruit punch, namely me. I'm about 97℅ sure this was already spiked because I reeked of booze.

The tears I held back burned my eyes and my lip quivered. I couldn't be here anymore so I tried to find Kiba.

Jello shots... Bastard.

My pale eyes found the brunette male sitting with a black bowl haired guy, also known as Lee, slurping down a blue substance.

Too many people were surrounding Kiba for me to approach him. I mentally cursed and whimpered, feeling the tears overpower my sight.

"Dammit Kiba..." I mumbled.

I didn't know where to go, all I knew is that I didn't want to be there anymore. The music was too loud for me to even think and my head ached. I began to feel dizzy because of my own alcohol scent added with the others in the house.

My legs stumbled to a railing that I unconsciously followed, ascending the wooden stairs. I heard a flush and hid behind the corner, but it was only a party guest.

I scurried into the restroom, hoping to find a towel. Finally I found a small amount of comfort in a while cotton towel. I dabbed it on my face and upper body, drying what didn't soak into my clothes. When I turned, I gasped at the sight.

The damned girl in the mirror looked horrid.

Eyeliner and eyeshadow was smeared on her cheeks. Almost all of her skin had an eerie red glow from the fruit flavored punch. Her indigo hair was in knots and was shriveled due to the exposure of sugary liquid that hardened it in place.

Oh right... It's me.

I twisted the black material of my shirt over the sink and liquid squeezed out. I repeated the process a few times until most of my clothing was dry.

I grabbed the towel again and moistened the tip with the cool water of the facet and dabbed it on my face, trying to look somewhat less damaged.

The fact that it was damp, didn't help my cheeks dry from the tears I shed.

"Always end up hurt, huh?" I muttered to myself.

After a few more minutes of damage control, my appearance was mostly better than how I entered the bathroom.

Gaining enough confidence, I ventured outside of my tiny party sanctuary. The music blasted again but I stayed upright.

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