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Hinata's POV

My face was blotchy and eyes swollen. The day had barely begun and I was already an emotional mess.

Way to go, Hinata.

I opened the door and peeked my has out into the almost empty room. I stepped out and grabbed one of my bags so I could change quick and leave before Kiba woke up.

I scurried back into the restroom and locked the door behind me. The cool water poured out of the facet and I splashed it on my face, the sleep washing away from my eyes.

After I finished doing my usual personal hygiene routine, I unzipped the bag and dug through it hoping to find a decent outfit. I found my blue t-shirt and black denim capris along with my black sneakers.

In the middle of changing, while I was half naked I might add, there was knock on the door. Not the restroom door but the door of the small apartment. I gasped slightly as I grabbed my pants and shirt. I pulled on my jeans and shirt in record time and shut off the light in the restroom.

I heard Kiba groan and shuffle to his feet. The sound of my bags being pushed into a corner was heard, even though there was only two others.

"Hinata?" Kiba's gruff morning voice whispered.

I didn't say anything, just waited for him to answer the door. I squeezed my eyes shut and silently prayed that no one found me here. I also silently cursed that now I was forced to have an awkward confrontation with a certain brunette regarding the events that took place last night.

The door front door opened and I wondered just who would be here at this god forsaken hour of the day. The sun hadn't even made its debut in Konoha, just the glow from the opposite side of the sky.

"Is Hinata here?" A feminine voice asked.

I furrowed my brows and stood up from the cold ground to my feet. Slowly, I made my way to the door and pressed my ear against the white wooden surface.

"Ano... "

"Hinata?! I know you're here! C'mon! I came to spend the day with you!" She yelled loudly through the space.

My eyes widened when the voice registered in my mind.

"Hey! Damare!" Kiba snapped.

I pulled on my sneakers and didn't bother to tie the laces, instead just stuffed them in on the sides. Before I left the restroom I grabbed the duffle bag that was in there with and exited the confined space.

"Sakura, what are you doing here?" I asked as I stepped out and closed the door behind me.

"Well finally. Come on, I knew I would find you here." The pinkette smiled and motioned towards me.

I quirked a brow at her suddenness. We were friends and all but not where we talked everyday and shared secrets. No. We were just acquainted with each other and occasionally spent nights at her house, as well as the other three female friends I have.

"I've decided that you and me are spending the day together, please?" Sakura smiled at me.

Kiba looked back at me then I saw his eyesight trail down to my wrist, my bruised wrist. I put it behind my back, causing him to look back up at my face.

"Hinata... I--"

"I'd love to, Sakura." I said.

Kiba's onyx eyes locked with my own lavender ones. I didn't want to stay nor actually talk with him. I wasn't ready to talk about what happened and didn't know if I ever would be, to anyone.

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