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"So it's gonna be a girl?" Sakura squealed and took a sip of her coffee. The Uzumaki nodded and rubbed her swollen abdomen.

"Yeah, I haven't told Naruto yet." She smiled and looked at her two year old son playing with the youngest Uchiha.

The pinkette smiled again and also looked at the children. It had been four years since Naruto and Hinata had been married and now they're about to have their second child.

"I wish Sasuke would come back from his business trip already." The green eyed woman moped.

"You know those people that just have everything and when they're asked they just say 'I'm just so blessed'?" Hinata asked and leaned back in her chair.

"The ones that you just wanna punch in the face?" Sakura giggled to herself. She looked at the bluenette and saw the little side smirk on her lips.

Hinata had nothing for such a long time she almost forgot what it felt like to be loved. She found her one in a million and almost pushed him away.

"Well this morning I was looking at my perfect child playing my amazing husband while getting ready to make breakfast." Hinata sipped her tea. "And I just thought, I have everything I ever wanted."

By a simple mistake that happened, he fell in love with her and all of her quirks. It took awhile to realize what she wanted, and that was him.

"I really wanna punch you in the face." The Uchiha laughed. "But I'm just so blessed as well."

He did everything for her, he protected her at her worst points and never left her alone. She never had to suffer without him again.

The day they met, he became hers and hers only. She was his from the moment she saw his brilliant blue eyes across the crowd on the day of their graduation.

"I would wanna punch me in the face too, but I'm just so tired from all the amazing–" Sakura cut off the pale eyed woman off.

"Were you about to say you're exhausted from having amazingly good se–"

The door opened and they heard footsteps. "Hinata, I'm home!" Her husband's voice called.

"I'm gonna get more coffee." Sakura excused herself.

The blonde soon entered the living room, greeting Sakura, and immediately smiled when he saw the children. His eyes focused in on his wife and she got up to greet him properly. 

"Guess what?" She placed her hands on the four month old baby bump.

Naruto smiled and walked closer to her. His hands rested on her hips and he pulled her closer. "Nani?"

"We're having a baby girl." She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Naruto chucked and smiled immensely. Their foreheads pressed together, and for a moment, Hinata remembered their first dance in his kitchen.

"She'll be loved as much as Boruto." The male Uzumaki smiled.

She lifted her head up and pressed their lips together. It felt like their first kiss, the electric feeling, the butterflies and the warmth.

Sakura cleared her throat and the married couple pull away from each other. "In front of the children?" Sakura playfully teased them and walked back to her seat.

He was her breath of fresh air while she was drowning. He will always be her savior and she'll be his.

Naruto Uzumaki made Hinata Hyuga remember what love was after she lost her family.

He was her Light In Darkness.

Hinata turned to look at Sakura then back at her beloved.

"I am just so blessed."

Thank you for reading~ 🍜❤

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