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Hinata's POV

"I..." I mumbled out, looking into Naruto's bright blue eyes. Words were caught in my throat, my face turning a deeper shade of red.

"You?" The Uzumaki urged me to continue and leaned in closer to me. My bottom lip quivered and I watched his eyesight flicker between my eyes then my lips.


"I'm sorry we're late!" A loud, deep voice yelled, cutting me off. I stated in the arms is Naruto as my attention turned to the people who came in.

A girl with her long blonde hair pulled into a ponytail and pale blue eyes, a rather tubby boy with his odd red birthmarks on his cheeks, and....

My heart sank. I froze. I didn't want to be near him.


I struggled free of Naruto's warm embrace (despite the rather cool water) and made awkward movements to get to the ladder. Within seconds, a hand wrapped around my wrist, the opposite wrist that Kiba hurt.

"Hey what's wrong?" Naruto pondered, obviously concerned. I made a frustrated groan and glanced back at the Inuzuka.

And that's when he saw me.

His face dropped and arms lowered. Kiba's facial expression became dark and full of remorse. I saw him mouth my name but it wasn't even audible.

I felt a small tug on my wrist and his voice speak. "Hinata?" I blinked back my tears before turning to face him.

I inhaled deeply and flickered my eyes between Kiba and Naruto momentarily. I felt a tear about to fall and my immediate reaction was comfort.

I pulled the blonde into a hug and felt him tense up for a few seconds but then raised his arms around my waist.

"Take me home." I murmured into his neck, a few water droplets from his skin sticking on my lips.

"What? Why?" He pulled back and looked into my eyes. Naruto's own eyes widened when he scanned my face. "You're crying...?"

Was I?

I wiped my cheeks and sure enough, there were tears. Despite the fact that Kiba didn't actually do anything, he would've if I hadn't pushed him off.

"Hinata, why are you crying?" I suddenly felt his big, warm hand cup my cheek.

"Naruto, c-can you just t-take me h-home? P-please?" I pulled away from him, out of his embrace, and began to swim to the ladder.

I pulled myself out of the water, Sakura calling after me but I ignored her. My feet pattered on the wet cement around the pool as I rushed to my bag.

The sound of the water swishing was heard, among the talking, then heavy footsteps were behind me. I grabbed my towel and dried off my body and patted my braid dry.

I glanced back in the pool and saw the blonde Uzumaki talking to Sakura. A sigh escaped my lips as I grabbed my bag and turned to go inside, I just wanted to be away from-

"Ah," I stopped moving. My trail was blocked by a certain brunette who I just really wanted escape. "Hinata..."

I sucked in a breath and took a step back. My eyes met dark onyx ones that looked regretful. I attempted to walk past him but he grabbed my wrist... The same wrist that was bruised from his ill touch.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped and pulled away from him. He breathed heavily and I only glared at him.

"Hinata... I'm sor-"

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