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Normal POV

"I'll kill him." The blonde growled as he pulled his hoodie over his head. Hinata's cheeks were still stained with tears but now she was scared.

"Naruto wait!" The bluenette ran down the staircase after the Uzumaki. He took two steps at a time and Hinata could barely keep up.

Naruto had gone upstairs to retrieve his car keys and was off. The Hyuga finally reached the bottom of the stairs and reached out towards Naruto. However all she grasped was air.

"Wh-what's going on?" A sleepy eyed redhead leaned on the railing of the balcony from upstairs.

"Naruto, wait! Please!" Hinata yelled once again and nearly jumped him.

The blonde finally turned towards her, abruptly however, and she ran into his chest. She rubbed her nose slightly and gazed up at him.

Lavender and cerulean clashed in a moment and she pulled her lips into a line. "Don't go, not for me." She whispered, straining her voice by keeping back more tears.

His firm glare transformed into a soft smile for a moment as he cupped her cheek. The blonde leaned down and pressed their lips together, their first kiss.

The feeling of his lips on hers sent electricity through her veins and butterflies in her stomach. It lasted for only a moment and her cheeks became hot. He pulled away from her and looked straight into her eyes, his glare retuning.

"It'll always be for you." Naruto whispered silently, not wanting his mother to hear.

Before Hinata could return from the high Naruto had given her, he slammed the door shut. She shook her head and scrambled to get to the door.

"Naruto!" She yelled and began to run, his car already pulling out from the driveway. "Naruto!!" The Hyuga picked up a pebble and threw it at the car, it hit the bumper.

I never should've said anything. She cursed to herself. Her heart was doing back flips in her chest and the female Uzumaki walked out from the house.

"Hinata?" She mused. "It's 3am, where'd Naruto go?"

Once the Hyuga turned towards her, Kushina immediately woke up completely. Her tear stained face, reddish cheeks and blotchy eyes turned on her mother's instinct.

"C-can I borrow y-your car?" Hinata mumbled and dusted off her shirt.


"Why is there traffic at 3am?"

The blonde cursed profanities at the line of vehicles in front of him. The highway would be the fastest way to Kiba's residence but never did he think it would be this much traffic.

Naruto's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel tighter, anger seeping through his veins. How did he not notice this? How did he not notice that Hinata hurt when they were near Kiba?

But I did.

He didn't act when he did notice. The Hyuga had been living with him for a month and he didn't protect her. He should've pummeled Kiba's face in a long time ago.

Kiba Inuzuka almost raped Hinata Hyuga. Naruto Uzumaki is pissed at him. Why would he do that?! Kiba took care of Hinata for so long before, did he always have these kind of intentions?

"I'll protect you, Hinata." Naruto mumbled as his breath hitched. "Because I love you."


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