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Hinata's POV

"What the hell did you do, Hinata?" His judging voice was like a slap in the face.

"Gomen'nasai, Neji. But I was desperate and--"

"You could've took Kiba's car but nooooooo.... You had to take a strangers!" He raised his voice slightly, making me flinch.

"Gomen..." I muttered.

My cousin released a sigh and shook his head, a few strands of his long brown hair falling to the side. He then began to chuckle a bit and I glanced up at him, my attention peaking.


Neji coughed a bit before clearing his throat.

"You're supposed to be the Hyuga heiress, an example." He chuckled dryly.

"Yeah but I'm no longer an heiress without a family." I mumbled.

Neji rolled his pale eyes and scoffed.

"Hinata, you will always be an heiress to me."

I smiled at my beloved cousin and he smiled back at me. I felt tears well up in my eyes as we shared a look. Neji raised his hand and swept the hair out of my face.

"Don't cry, Hinata. You'll be okay."

I chuckled lightly at my cousin. His soft hand wiped away my tears that fell and I smiled ever so slightly. Neji looked at me with questioning eyes as if he wondered what I smiled about.

"Why are you smiling like that?" He asked me.

"Because... I've cried so many times, Neji, but I never cry when I'm with you except for now. I don't know what's up with me lately." I confessed.

Neji sighed again and pulled me into a hug. I raised my arms and hugged him back.

"You have to wake up soon."

That caught my attention. I slowly pulled out of his embrace and looked at his pale eyes.

"Do I get to see him?" I blushed slightly.

"Who?" He remarked, knowing who I was talking about.

I furrowed my brows at him. I didn't know his name so I couldn't very well tell him exactly who I was talking about.


"Oh you mean Na--"


My side began to hurt since I felt something poking me in it. I groaned and opened my eyes to the culprit of my discomfort.

Damn keys.... Keys? Oh right keys.

I groaned and sat up, my eyes still closed. The sun's rays burned though my eyelids and that only caused me to lay back down again.

"Dream.... Again." I mumbled.

My body slid down against the leather seat and I curled into a ball. I hugged my knees to my chest and slowly opened my eyes.

I looked at the tan seat next to me and suddenly jumped up, remembering last night. I pulled the driver seat up so it was adjusted properly and looked at myself in the rear view mirror.

I felt her hard, judging glare cast upon me. Our pale eyes locked before I looked at her features. Her skin was still tinted red from last night's events and eyes slightly puffy from crying.

"Well Hinata, you should return the car." I told myself, looking away from the retched reflection.

Once again I turned the key in the ignition and drove out of the empty parking lot. I began to drive in the direction of the party that was hosted last night.

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