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Hinata's POV

Let me a explain a thing.

Toneri Otsutsuki is an old family friend. I never liked him but ever since my family.... left.... We lost contact after I left middle school and he moved away.

The reason I didn't like him?

He was always such a pig. A player, if you will. But this certain player always had his sights set on what he would call "An absolute vision of perfection."

Namely me.

Ahaha yeah... No.

So imagine my surprise when suddenly after five plus years of not seeing him, he magically appears here in Konoha.... At the park where I'm enjoying a lovely pastry.

Toneri always creeped me out but luckily Kiba was always by my side to protect me.


I've grown, I can handle him. Hopefully.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I was just passing by, i'm currently on a buisness trip for Otsutsuki Enterprises." He replied.

I smiled slightly and held my food closer to me as I scooted back a little bit.

"So y-you're not moving b-back to Konoha?"

"Heavens no, just passing through. However I'll be staying in town for a few weeks."

I groaned and hung my head down, my loose hair creating somewhat of a fortress.

"W-where are you s-staying?" I asked so I know where to avoid.

"The Konoha Hiden Hotels. I hear they're only the best."

Oh so it's a rich hotel, easy to avoid. Thank kami.

"That's g-great." I mumbled.

We sat in what most would call an awkward silence. Children ran along in the field in front of us and the grass swayed from side to side in the breeze.

"Where's your guard dog?" Toneri asked, breaking that beautiful silence.

"M-my what?"

"What was his name?" He furrowed his thin eyebrows then suddenly snapped his fingers. "Kiba!" Toneri exclaimed when he remembered.

I couldn't help but giggle slightly at the nickname he had given Kiba.

"He's a-at a...." my thoughts immediately went to the the blue eyed boy. "F-friend's..." I managed to get out.

"Well that's interesting, you two were practically joined at the hip in middle school." He chuckled dryly.

"H-he's always been th-there for me." I looked down at my half eaten cinnamon bun in the clear bag.

The white haired man nodded and smiled. I closed my eyes for a brief moment then suddenly felt a hand on my cheek.

I gasped and flinched at the contact. My eyes opened wide as I turned to face him.

"I've missed you, Hinata Hyuga."

I felt my heart flutter with the fact that someone missed me. Even though I don't really like Toneri, I couldn't help but smile. I placed my hand on his and gently removed it from my skin.

"Toneri... y-you know that I --"

"Don't feel the same way about us? Hinata, I'm not blind." Toneri cut me off.

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