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Hinata's POV

Well it turns out Naruto didn't come swim suit shopping with me and Sakura, thank goodness, but instead just paid for it. Tomorrow is his parent's pool party and Sakura is more excited for me to meet Naruto's parents than the actual party.

I sighed and slumped deeper into the bathtub, the soapy water rising to my chin. Today was such a long day at work, I just needed to relax.

Surprisingly, Naruto hadn't come in for his daily dose of Ichiraku ramen. Maybe that's why today was so tiring, no one was there to make me smile. A knock was heard on the opposite side of the door, thank goodness the bathroom had a lock.

"H-hai?!" I shouted slightly so the person could hear me.

"Naruto just called and said he was picking me and you up tomorrow around noon!" Sakura yelled. "So be ready!"


Why did she need to tell me this information now? When I'm in the bath of all places.

I sighed once again and leaned the base of my neck on the bathtub sill. My eyes closed and I sunk farther into the water, relaxing my musscels.


"It's been a month or so." I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You haven't needed us as much anymore, big sister." My brunette sister sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder.

The sand was soft under me and the breeze blew right through my hair. The sound of small waves crashing on the shore was much more calming than I expected.

"Doesn't mean that I don't like spending time with you guys!" I slung my arm over my cousin's shoulder and wrapped the other around Hanabi.

"Lady Hinata, we're not going to be here forever. There'll be a time when we won't be in limbo anymore." Neji sighed and rested his head on my own. "When we're ready–"

"I know, I know." I cut him off. He would just say they would move on but I don't want to hear it right now. I just missed these two so much.

The view of the sunset and having Hanabi and Neji by my side was enough for me. I didn't need anyone else at this moment, or maybe ever.

"But what about Naruto?"

I turned my head down and my lavender eyes locked with my little sister's. A smug little look was on her face.

"How did–?"

"Nothing is really a secret here." Neji intercepted.

"Well that's a little creepy." I murmured under my breath. A sigh escaped my lips and I watched the small waves.

The waves came closer and closer to my toes and soon engulfed my feet. I felt Hanabi's grip on my arm tighten.

"Be careful tomorrow, okay?" She said quietly.

"I will."

"We love you, Hinata." Neji said. I felt his lips press onto my forehead and Hanabi's on my cheek. A smile graced my lips and I snuggled between them.

"I love you guys..."

The warm feeling of them vanished and the air turned cold. I scanned the area and they were no where to be found.


Suddenly the bright blue sky turned into a storm gray and the waves in the ocean grew ten times in size. I looked down and it looked as if the water had formed hands and reached for my ankles. I stepped back but it grabbed me.

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