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Hinata's POV

I paced back and forth between the two bed posts as I nervously fumbled with my fingers. My bottom lip was probably swollen with as much as I'd chewed on it.

My long indigo hair was wrapped in a towel and it sat on the top of my head. The white t-shirt I wore earlier had been replaced by a black one and my neon yellow shorts were on my bottom half.

I had taken a shower after Naruto had dropped me off at my current residence. The shower helped with washing the chlorine from my hair and skin, cooling off from the humid summer day, and I needed to clear her mind to make a decision and showers always helped.

My bare feet continued to patter on the wooden floor as I paced nonstop. It was late afternoon by now, myself and a certain blonde had a very long conversation about his previous proposition.

I had noticed the third floor board from the left side of the bed creaked when you stepped on a certain spot. That's how much I was thinking with each step.

The sun was beginning to drag it's feet along the sky, leaving it's muddy prints of pinks and oranges across the blue surface.

I heard voices downstairs and then footsteps begin to come up. It must be Sakura, it had to be. The pink painted door opened to reveal the pinkette herself.

"Tadaima," Sakura smiled and set down her bag by the door. She walked across the room and plopped down on her bed, full of exhaustion.

I nodded in acknowledgment at her but was silent, wondering how to tell her. I'm really not that great at talking in general.

"So, why–"

"I'm moving out." I suddenly blurted out without having the opportunity to think about my own words.

Well that's a way to do it...

"What?" Sakura asked as she sat back up.

"I'm moving out..." I repeated myself, much less confident this time.

The Haruno sat up completely with a confused expression on her face.

"I..." She paused and closed her mouth before opening it again. "What?"

A sigh escaped my lips as I pulled the towel from my hair and laid it on the chair. My pacing resumed and I grabbed a brush to untangle my hair.

"I'm moving o–"

"Yeah, I got that." Sakura murmured, cutting me off. "Why? Where?" She questioned, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Well..." I mumbled and continued to brush my hair. "Naruto offered me to stay with him and I wasn't gonna but then he just–"

"Ohh!" Sakura exclaimed loudly  with a hint of amusement. "You're going to live at the mansion?"

I blushed slightly and nodded, my head staying down. The pinkette giggled excitedly and I finally looked up at her.

"That's great, Hinata!" She cheered, me being completely unaware of what she was really cheering on.

Sakura jumped up from the bed and over to her dresser. She opened the drawer where I had been keeping a few of my clothes. I hadn't had a chance to even object before she squealed again and turned back around to me.

"Let's pack!"


I felt awkward and out of place standing on the perfect marble floor in the middle of utter perfectness.

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