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Hinata's POV

The Haruno residence seemed more quiet than usual. No yelling, no back talk and no terrible jokes.

I smiled at what I had accomplish with my cooking. They all managed be quiet at the same time, while eating. It was very peaceful from all the shouting that took place here.

"Is it good?" I asked with a smile.

They all nodded, causing me to giggle slightly. Soon the night sky had set in once everyone had finished their food.

"I'll wash the dishes." I stood up and began to take everyone's plates.

"No Hinata! You cooked everything, I'll do them." Sakura took the dishes from my hands.

I nodded and smiled at her but still helped carry everything from dining room into the kitchen.

"Where'd you learn to cook like that?" The pinkette asked as she turned on the water and grabbed the sponge. The soap lathered up on the dishes, creating little bunches of white foam.

"Well I learned most of it myself but Kurenai-sensei also taught me how to cook a few things." I smiled and began to clean up the kitchen a bit while Sakura washed the dishes.

"Wow, you sure have more experience than me." The pinkette giggled slightly.

I put away the unused food and threw away the trash. She hummed a bubbly tune and tapped her foot on the hard floor. I frowned slightly once I looked in the fridge and noticed there wasn't any salmon left.

"I used all of the salmon." I mumbled and closed the fridge.

"It's fine, I'll go to the market tomorrow." I bit my lip and turned around to face the pinkette. "I can go now." A smile appeared on my lips.

She turned off the water and scoffed before turning around. Her green eyes looked right into lavender ones and she sighed.

"The sun is already setting and the markets are closing soon." Sakura said. "It could be dangerous."

I giggled and walked past the pinkette, her footsteps trailing behind me. I grabbed my shoulder bag and slung it over my side. Sakura's sigh was very audible and annoyed but I felt like getting some fresh air.

"I'll be fine, Sakura." My feet slid into my shoes that awaited me by the front door. "I shouldn't take more than thirty minutes. If it's more than that, then you can panic."

I knew Sakura had become some what protective over me since the three weeks I've been here, but it was nice. Almost like having a... Sister.

"Just be careful."

I nodded and waved her off as I walked past the threshold and out into the brisk air of Konoha. Soon enough I was already at the corner.

The evenings had gotten cooler, which was a godsend since the days were basically a living hell. My job at Ichiraku is going great, I'm saving for a few nights at a hotel. It's a start.

The blonde boy I met on my first day, Naruto, had come almost everyday. He'd always make small talk with me as I cooked and cleaned, which somehow was the highlight of my days.

Since the three weeks that I've lived with the Haruno kind, Kiba and I haven't spoken. To be honest, I missed him slightly. I mean he always took care of me and helped when I was in need.

But I still can't trust him...

-Flashback- (A/N lmao finally)

Normal POV

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