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Hinata's POV

"So he drove you home?" The pinkette giggled as she walked behind me.

I immediately regret telling her anything. Although in my defense she wouldn't stop pestering me about why it took me 31 minutes to get home. You'd think in a car I'd get home faster.

Technically I did, but he dropped Tamaki off at his mansion then drove me here to Sakura's. We talked about trivial things on the way home. Ramen orders, the weather, each other.

After the fifteen minutes together in a car, I felt as if we've known each other forever. His favorite color is orange, his parent's name are Minato and Kushina, he doesn't have any siblings and his birthday is October 10th.

He knows all the same facts about me and then some. So he knows about my family being deceased.

But of course that knuckle head had to make it awkward(er) and say, "This isn't the first time you've been in my car, huh?"

I'm never gonna live that down.

"C'mon Hinataaa~," Sakura purred and leaned her head on my shoulder. I frowned and let out a sigh at my pink haired companion.

I closed the book I was reading and turned to face her. Sakura's bright green eyes were wide and full of emotion. She also displayed a rather big smile that she was trying to hide.

"It's Saturday morning, my day off. Can't I just relax for a little bit?" I tilted my head to the side and grabbed my coffee cup that sat on the window sill.

"Tomorrow is your day off too. So just humor me today, what did you two talk about?"

I stayed silent and hoped she would just go away. Although I know she can be very persistent when she wants something.

"I-" The doorbell rang and I smiled widely. "I'll get it!" I shouted and hopped off of my chair, not spilling any coffee before I put it down.

"Saved by the bell, Hyuga!"

Despite me looking like utter crap in the mornings, I just needed an excuse to get away from the gossip-hungry girl. I straightened my oversized t-shirt and pulled up my sweats before reaching to open the door.

"Ohayo." I greeted once I opened the door. I smiled slightly once I saw a familiar face. "Sasuke, you're here awfully early." I motioned the Uchiha inside.

"Actually my friend wanted to come by." Sasuke said and waved towards his car, motioning someone inside.

He took a step inside and stood in the living room. I peeked out to the car but the unknown friend was still inside, I shrugged and turned back into the house. A few seconds later the pinkette walked in and her face lit up once she saw her boyfriend.

"Sasuke! What are you doing here?" Sakura asked as she walked towards him.

I smiled and left alone the happy couple to go back to my book...

That Sakura hid...

Damn her.

I frowned and decided it was best just to get out of the house, maybe go for a walk. I closed Sakura's bedroom door and grabbed a shirt and some shorts from my bag to get dressed in.

Blue t-shirt and black shorts, appropriate.

I set down my clothes on the chair and quickly peeked outside the room, silently cursing there was no lock. Honestly, how did Sakura feel comfortable without a lock?

I sighed and quickly removed my sweats and slid on the black denim shorts I had chosen. My fingers grasped the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head, revealing my breast, hidden within my purple bra.

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