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Hinata's POV

"What is love?"

"Love? I don't know anything about it..."

"Well what do you think love is?"

"What I think? Love, to me, is something only few have been lucky enough to know. It's when two people's hearts finally have found each other... Or... The feelings you have towards certain people or things, there are different kinds of love."

"You're such a smart little girl Hanabi, that's what I thought too."

I sat on the window sill as she sat on the cloud parallel from me. Her golden halo floated above her head as she held my hand.

"Love is a futile thing," I brushed her brown hair from her eyes. "It only hurts you."

"Don't say things like that big sister! Love is what keeps me and you together." Hanabi tightened her grip on my hand. "If I wouldn't have left the stove on...." A tear escaped her eye.

"No Hanabi! It wasn't your fault... Everything happens for a reason." I looked at my beloved sister.

"But we left you all alone." She looked up at me.

Her pale eyes met my own, both of ours glazed over with tears.

"Hinata, it's time for you to wake up. Hanabi, we have to go now." My cousin suddenly appeared.

"Neji! Why didn't you come?" I turned my attention to him.

Neji made his way closer and brushed my hair out of my face. He smiled slightly and his halo appeared over his head.

"Graduation is tomorrow, right?"
I nodded.

"You need your rest, Hinata." Neji kissed my forehead.

I watched my two family members disappear into the distance.

"Don't leave me! Please!" I stood up. "Please! Come back!"

Somehow I was floating with them, no longer sitting on the window sill, standing on air.

"It's not your time yet, Hinata."

Hanabi and Neji waved at me as they disappeared into the clouds. I took one step forward towards them but I was no longer able to walk on the air.

Falling. I was falling into the darkness. I screamed, hoping someone would catch me, anyone to catch me.

"I'll catch you!" A voice yelled.

It soothed me but I had my eyes closed, too afraid to see anything. Still I was screaming until I had no breath in me.

In a second, I felt my body against another. Tears gathered in my eyes from the fear in my stomach. My whole body shook and I turned in the arms of my savior and clenched their t-shirt.

"I told you I would catch you." A masculine voice chuckled slightly.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw a white t-shirt crumpled up in my closed fist and muscular arms wrapped around my small body.

Safe and secure. My breathing became rapid when I felt his warm breath on my skin.

Darkness surrounded us but he was glowing.

"I'll always catch you."

I looked up to see his face---


The alarm clock's loud ringing echoed in the almost empty room.

A small scream escaped my lips when my body rolled off the bed, causing me to hit the hard ground.

Light In Darkness •NaruHina•Where stories live. Discover now