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Giggling and quiet laughter echoed in the kitchen as Hinata stood behind the counter, mixing the cake batter. Cupcakes, cakes, pies, cookies, and many other sweets flooded the kitchen.

Naruto's hand was constantly being smacked away from the baked goods by Hinata. The Hyuga had been living at the mansion for about a month and it was soon time for college classes to start. However, both Hinata and Naruto weren't enrolled until the following semester.

"S-stop!" Hinata scolded him quietly, trying not to wake anyone in the household.

He smirked and moved away from the cookies and back to the sink to wash the used dishes. Her pale lavender eyes gazed at his back, his broad shoulders peeking out from his white tank top.

It was about 2am and it was just one of those nights where Hinata had insomnia, so Naruto decided to join her.

As for those pesky feelings Hinata was getting for Naruto... They grew. A lot. And I'd be lying if I said Naruto didn't have feelings for her, but his were there much longer than Hinata's were.

Of course Shion and Toneri were very upset when they found out Hinata was living here. However, they both didn't say anything. Toneri actually gave up on Hinata.

"If you only she would have a brain as large as her breasts." He said to Naruto when he was leaving town, that yearned him a right hook.

However the female demon that looked like an angel was still on high alert.

She continued to mix the batter before pouring it into the pan. Hinata smoothed it out before placing it in the preheated oven. She moved her violet hair to her side and began to make a braid.

"And what exactly do you plan on doing with all of this stuff?" Naruto asked while turning off the water.

Her lavender eyes scanned the kitchen. The chairs, the tables, and the counters were full of her creations. She shrugged.

"Well then why can't I have any?" The blonde playfully smiled as he slowly walked towards her.

"Because..." She thought for a moment. "I-I want to take p-pictures."

"You can take pictures of me eating them." He frowned and grabbed a cookie despite her wishes.

The Hyuga scooted a few pies over and scooted herself onto the counter. She took a cookie that was next to her and Naruto made the most offended expression.

"You can have some but not me?" He gasped dramatically and put his hand over his heart. "And I thought you were different." The blonde fake sniffled.

The Hyuga giggled at his antics and put a cookie in her mouth, the bigger half hanging out her mouth. She grabbed another and offered it to him.

He walked towards her with a playful smirk on his face. Naruto neared her, past her outstretched hand, and suddenly leaned in towards the bluenette. He placed his hands on either side of her as he continued to lean in.

Her pale skin blushed a scarlet red at the sudden closeness. She pulled her head back but he only continued to lean in. Naruto's piercing blue eyes stared deeply into her pale lavender ones.

"Mmph." She squeaked with the cookie still in her mouth. Her head suddenly hit the cabinet gently and Naruto froze, a smirk still played onto his lips.

He enclosed the space between them and the Hyuga squealed. His mouth closed around... the other end of the chocolate chip cookie, their lips inches apart.

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