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Part One

Naruto's POV

"Now let's get inside." I nudged the bluenette at my side and grabbed her pool bag.

My feet began to walk towards the front door while she remained in place. After a second or two the sound of her quick footsteps was heard on the cement and soon she was at my side.

"S-so who all is h-here?" She asked as we walked up the front steps.

"Um...a few friends and my parents." Small lie. There's a lot of people here, I mean it's pretty packed.


I opened the front door and motioned for her to enter. She stepped in and looked around, a small smile casting upon her pale pink lips. "It's a-a lot cleaner t-than it was at the p-party." Hinata said.

I chuckled a bit and nodded, glancing around the mansion. I set her bag down by the wall, losing sight of the Hyuga. I turned and automatically my eyesight found bluenette.

Hinata wandered around the hall a bit, her fascinated face bringing warmth into my heart. She smiled at the family photos on the walls and occasionally glanced back at me. Her braid swaying as she continued galavanting around the small area.

"Naruto! You're finally back!" A loud feminine voice called. I turned my head and widened my eyes in horror when I saw the pastel blonde walking towards me.

Without thinking, my body moved. Within seconds I was in front of Hinata and grabbed her hand in mine, eliciting a small gasp from her.

"Stay behind me." I whispered. Hinata was in no immediate danger but Shion has yet to release her wrath on her for what Hinata did at the party.

"Hey, Naruto? Where'd you go?" Shion rounded the corner. "Oh, C'mon let's go swimming. Everyone already set up." She smiled and walked towards me.

"I'll be out in a few minutes."

"Okay... Oh! I forgot to tell you my cousin is in town and I invited him... If that was alright." She murmured and looked down, probably just acting scared to get her way.


"Good, he's already here... Hey who's behind you?" She quirked a brow and inched her way closer.

Hinata, not doing as I asked, stepped out from behind my frame that hid her almost completely. Shion's violet eyes widened slightly and I saw the anger boil in them.

"What the hell is that doing here?!" The blonde yelled dramatically.


Before I had a chance to respond to her, Hinata suddenly began looking around in an over exaggerated manner before turning back around to her.

"Oh I'm sorry, did you see a mirror somewhere?" The lavender eyed beauty remarked.

What the hell? She didn't stutter. She didn't flinch. I mean at the party she was like this but I only thought it was the environment she was in. But now...

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