This is a couple chapters from My Fingertips, sorry I haven’t updated that story in a long time but hey no one has bothered me to so it just slips… cuz it’s all written out I just gotta type which is NOT my forte. Anyway Hope you enjoy this, If you like it lemme know and I may update My Fingertips xP It’s been AGES I forgot how LONG it is and how much I luff it. It’s the first book I completed coming in at 105 pages of written glory :DD anyway back to the story whatcha need to know is YES it’s around Christmas time annnnnd here be the characters
Yamo: He’s a high school student of Michel’s and lover
Clara: Friend who has been adopted by Michel, along with her younger brother
Zac: Younger brother of Clara
Part III
Cookies for Santa
“Whaaaa??” Allowing himself to overreact the older brother changed his facial expression. “He hasn’t been bringing me presents either but maybe he’ll find it; since we live in a different house!”
“You got shells in the batter Clara!” Zac accused laughing at his sister’s clumsiness. “Shut up I’ll get ‘em out.” Yamo was mixing the dry ingredients while Zac and Clara were mixing the wet ingrients. “You two sound like an old married couple.”
“Shut up Yamo.” They said as if on cue. “Jeeze okay. Just trying to have a friendly conversation.” His scarred hands nestled themselves into the flour bag only to pull out a handful that went flying towards the grumpy pair. “Why on EARTH did you do that?” Clara screamed grabbing some eggs and whipped them at Yamo hitting the bull’s eye. “Ow that actually hurts!” Yamo chuckled wiping the slimy substance off his forehead. “I know!” she said sweetly ready to grab another ingredient. The only one who continued to make the cookies was Zac. He grabbed the dry and wet ingredients and mixed them together making sure it all was the same texture all around.
“Amateurs.” The youngest said and in one arm held the mixing bowl and in the other held a slab of cookie dough ready to kiss its victim. “GET THE BOWL!” Yamo shouted. “No!” Zac skillfully hid himself behind a counter. His older siblings chased him throughout the small little flat, while he was throwing cookie dough at them. Zac went back to the kitchen and turned the corner without looking and ran right into Yamo while the bowl slipped from his arms.
It shattered in to thousands of pieces, some big others small, and the noise was so loud that it made all three of them want to be louder. Yamo staggered back struggling to keep his balance while his body shook with laughter and tears. Zac already sitting in the glass laughed so freely at the mess and their behavior. Clara walked into the kitchen wondering what made that noise, but when her eyes saw she suddenly collapsed to her knees laughing too hard to notice the pain that her body wasn’t feeling under the glass.
"The fuck are you—“Michel roared, annoyed that his work was interrupted, then he stopped himself. The most three depressing kids he’s ever met are laying in glass laughing and crying in complete joy. The house was a complete mess and never had Michel seen such joy on Yamo’s face, “O-o-oh h-hey Michel, heh,” and Yamo laughed even harder. “Sorry Mike.” Clara said her red face clearing and her laughing slowing down as she began breathing regularly. Following his sister’s action Zac too had calmed down. “We sorta made a mess huh?” he said staring at Yamo “He got it the worse, ‘cause he started it.” The only adult figure in the house and tried to help them, “C’mon get out of the glass.” Zac and Clara followed directions but Yamo lay in the glass bleeding, crying, and laughing. Such a precious moment none of them ever forgot.

Random one-shots
Aventurarandom ass one-shots, not to be read by the feeble minded and as you read this you get to enjoy watching my style change. there is some yaoi comedy and things i thought of half awake, I also thre some poems in here so yeah..... these are suppose to...