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It's been three weeks since I've moved in here and honestly I couldn't be happier. Tyler had helped me in so many ways possible and I can't thank him enough. I guess I've helped him too if you count kissing and hugging him helping. Josh still doesn't know about my self harm or anorexia, but he doesn't have to know yet. It is winter after all and I do wear baggy clothes so 1) it hides my cuts and 2) the bagginess makes me look bigger than I am which I'm thankful for. Today we are going shopping because we havnt been yet since the boys have been busy with song writing.

"Daisy! Come downstairs we're leaving!" Josh yelled at me from the front door. I grabbed my ripped black converse since they were the only shoes I had and ran downstairs, almost tripping and falling because of my clumsiness. I walked out the door as josh locked it and jumped into the car. Tyler was already sitting in the passenger seat texting someone.

"Who ya texting?" I asked, leaning over the seat and his shoulder so I could see clearly what he was doing. "Just texting someone," he replied, not really interested in me at this moment. I rolled my eyes as I sat back in my own seat and josh jumped into the drivers seat and drove us away. Within fifteen minutes we had arrived at the mall and it was very busy. I immediately started to get terrified as my severe anxiety kicked in. Josh stared at me with a concerned look.

"Here, hold my hand." He Reached his left hand for me to hold as Tyler was holding the other and we walked into the entrance of the mall. I heard a scream if a girl in front of us when we walked in which gave me a fright. The girl ran up to the boys and hugged them.

"Can-can I have a p-photo!" She panted. She was crying by now and I felt so happy that she got to meet her idols. They all stood tightly together as I took their photo. "Thanks," the girl smiled and walked away. "Have a good day. You too Daisy." I smiled as she rejoined her group of friends and they walked away.

"Well that was nice," Josh laughed. "So where do you wanna go first?"

"I don't know any of these stores around here so you can choose which ones you think are best," I replied.

"Ok, well there's vic-" Josh started.

"Let's just go to all of them," Tyler cut him off, taking our hands as he lead us to the first store which was urban outfitters. I tried on loads of clothes and the boys brought me nearly all of them. We headed to the next stores and got more stuff. When we had finished shopping it was 4:15pm so we decided to call it a day and go home.

When we arrived home I took my many bags and started unpacking them and putting the clothes in my dresser, shoes beside the dresser and some of the new decorations I got around my room. My room looked so much better now, it felt much more like home. I was interrupted by a quiet knock at the door.

"Come in," I mumbled. I wasn't really in the mood for any more human socialisation today. The door creaked open and Josh walked in.

"Hey I just wanted to see some of the new stuff you got," he walked over to my bed and sat down on it beside me. When we were shopping Josh kind of walked around a bit while Tyler stayed with me when I tried on all the clothes and stuff, which was lucky otherwise Josh would see my cuts.

"Oh. Um.. Ok," I walked to my dresser and pulled out some of the items that I got. I threw them over to him and he stared at me with a confused look in his face.

"I want to see them on you!" He laughed, handing me the clothes as he pushed me into the bathroom next door.


"Do I have to?" I whined behind the closed bathroom door.


I groaned but began to change out of my baggy clothes and into some other clothes which you could clearly see my cuts in. I walked out with my arms behind my back so Josh couldn't see.

He smiled when he saw me and told me to turn around so he could see the back. I slowly turned around and quickly switched my arms around so they were now I front of me. He gasped when u did that.

"What?" I asked after he gasped.

"Y-your arms." He walked closer to me and gently gripped my wrists in his warm hands. "Why?" He asked. He had a puppy dog look on his face and I just couldn't resist so I had to tell him.

"I'm sorry," I finished as he hugged me tightly.

"Daisy, you're gonna need to see a therapist you know. We can't have you keep doing this. It's not only hurting you but me aswell and probably Tyler too."

"I know," I held my head low in shame and walked into my bedroom and flopped down onto my bed. A few tears rolled down my cheeks. "Are you angry?" I asked as Josh followed me into the room.

"No. Not at all. I'm just a little sad that you would do this to yourself," he sobbed a little bit, slouching his arm over my shoulder. "I mean, Daisy, look at you. You're such a beautiful girl and you're not alone anymore, you have me and Tyler to help you."

"I know but it's just... Hard." I paused.

"I know Daisy. But we can get through this, you just need a little bit of extra help."

"What if I don't want to stop?" Josh looked at me, shocked. "I mean, in not trying to kill myself I'm just causing myself more pain so I can forget about the other painful things." Josh cried even more this time and then walked out of my room.

I lay down on my bed and burst into tears.

"Look at you, you're such a failure," I said to myself, looking at the white ceiling which was slightly chipped.

I heard a few mumbles outside my door and I tried to listen to what they were saying but i couldn't quite make the words out. I heard Josh whisper my name but that was all. I knew something bad was gonna happen so I got myself prepared for "a talk".

As soon as I prepared myself both boys walked in and sat next to me. They were smiling and I knew what they were planning to do.

"Daisy, I'm sorry," Tyler mumbled. "But... I'm sorry I can't do this," Tyler ran out of my room, crying.


Cliffhanger ha, I gotcha there ;)

So I'm hoping your liking this so far because I'm not lol.

The feels

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