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"Daisy! Wake up!" I shook Daisy awake. She rolled over and mumbled a few times before falling back to sleep. "Oh my gosh," I rolled my eyes and groaned. This was the 3rd time she had fallen back to sleep this morning. I walked out of her room and into the hallway, opening the door to the closet that held all of the stuff we don't use. I grabbed the air horn and carried the thing into Daisy's room. Josh heard me rummaging around and walked over to me to see what was going on. He instantly knew what I was planning to do and let out a small chuckle.

"I swear if this doesn't work I'm gonna flip," I laughed placing my hand on the horn getting ready to press it. "3...2...1..."

"AHHH! What the hell!" Daisy screamed as she shot up out of her bed.

"Hey! We don't talk about hell in this family, young lady," I growled at her but instantly regretted it as I knew it was just a tiny mistake, and after all, everyone makes mistakes. "Sorry Bean," I apologised which made her chirp up a little.

"Anyway...," Josh interrupted. "Daisy, today we're going to take a look at the new school you will be starting next week," he continued.

"And your going no matter what," I added on.

"Ugh, fine," she rolled her eyes as she flipped back down into her bed. "But just so you know, I don't do well in school."

"Yeah, well we can get you a Tutor then," I replied.

"That won't help," she snapped.

"Well, we'll find something, ok, now get up and get ready were leaving in half an hour."

Josh and I walked out of the room and back downstairs. I went straight to the kitchen and started cooking some toast for Daisy as me and josh had already ate breakfast. When I was done making the toast I left it on the counter and went back upstairs to tell Daisy I made it for her.

When we are all ready, we jumped into the car and I took off. Josh let me drive today which I thought was nice of him to do as he usually drives. The drive to North High School was about 45 minutes at the least, but because we wanted our daughter to attend a good school, we wanted to do everything it took to get her into it, even if that meant driving for 45 minutes or longer everyday.

About 10 minutes into the drive I heard a quiet whisper in the back. "What was that?" I asked.

"I'm nervous," Daisy repeated herself. "You don't know how tough school is for me, and to top it off, there's bullies and I probably won't make any friends."

"Hey don't say that!" Josh turned around in The passenger seat so he was looking at Daisy. "You know Daisy, some of the toughest things in life lead up to all the greater things." She nodded her small head. You know how you said you wanted to be an actor? Well you have to get good grades in school to do that and I know you can do it."

"Thanks," she smiled as she put her headphones back into her ears and continued listening to whatever music she was into.

A while later we pulled into the school. I heard a small gasp in the back of the car. It was Daisy, she was sticking her head out the window and looking closely at the massive school. I parked the car easily as it was a weekend so nobody was at school. We all jumped out and made our way through the door and to the office.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The lady behind the desk asked us. She had grey hair and blue eyes, a kind looking lady, but I would never really know until I started the school.

"Um, we're looking for Mrs. Dillon," Josh smiled at the lady who's name tag read Mrs. Lockwood.

"Right this way." She led us down a long corridor and into the very last door on the left.

"Ahh you must be the Joseph family," Mrs. Dillon greeted us as we waddled into her office. She signalled for us to take a seat on the couch in front of her desk. Daisy looked over and narrowed her eyes at me as She must have realised Mrs. Dillon referred to me as her father. I'm guessing she wasn't ready to be called my daughter yet.

"So as you're already enrolled in this school if just like to ask you a few more questions just to get to know you better," Mrs. Dillon spoke, folding her arms on top of her desk and straightening her glasses. We all nodded and she continued. "So first, I'd just like to ask about your previous schooling experience." My eyes widened. What do we tell her, do we say She was a good student in a good school or do we just tell her the truth.

"She's never been to school," Josh began. Mrs. Dillon nodded and told him to continue what he was saying. He took a Pause for a moment to think about what he was going to say. "Daisy's dyslexic," Josh told her. I immediately looked over to Daisy who had widened her eyes and stared at Josh almost as if to tell him he had taken it too far. She looked like she was gonna cry but she gulped and let out a small smile. I knew that smile, it was fake.

"I see," Mrs. Dillon stared at Daisy. "And will you need any extra help ?" Daisy began to shake her head no but I stopped her.

"Yes, she will," I replied to her. I knew Daisy was going to be angry at me for saying that, but I had to.

"Ok well it's a pleasure meeting you!" Mrs. Dillon stood up and shook all of our hands. She waved at us as we left her office.

"See that wasn't as bad as you thought!" I patted Daisy on the back as we walked out of the school grounds.

She mumbled. "It was worse. Why did you have to tell her, it was supposed to be a secret." Nobody replied to that and we all just jumped into the car and I drove to McDonald's for a little feast. I already knew what Josh and I wanted so I didn't even have to ask.

"What do you want, Bean," I asked her.


"You have to have something honey," I looked at her as she folded her arms. "I'm not letting you get away with not eating again."

"Fine," she growled. "I'll have a plain cheeseburger and a bottle of water, thanks." The lady put the order into the machine and looked up at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back.


We grabbed our meals and sat down at a table. I was in such a bad mood with both the boys. They spilled my one secret and it made me so unhappy, almost empty inside. I slowly munched on the cheeseburger I got and gulped down some water to make it go down my throat quicker. I hated eating, I hated it so much but I guess I had to do it when the boys were around.

"Cmon Daisy, eat up," Josh laughed at me. The boys had both finished their large meals and I was still eating my cheeseburger. I must have been daydreaming. When I finished the meal we left and jumped into the car and went home.

As soon as we walked through our front door the boys followed me everywhere. They were like annoying little puppies and I just wanted to be alone.

"Daisy, Daisy, let's play a game!" Tyler jumped onto me as I walked into the the lounge and flopped onto the couch.

"Yeah!" Josh joined in and jumped beside me and licked my arm. I knew they were only doing this to distract me from throwing up the food I just ate. They didn't even want to hang out with me they just didn't want me to throw up. They didn't even love me and they never did.

Hey guys sorry I've been away for so long I've been busy with school but I'm on vacation now and someone gave me and amazing idea that I'm leading up to in the next few chapters!!!

You better be excited because this is gonna be good!


Thanks a bunch, Zara xxx

(P.s. This wasn't edited because I'm a lazy asshole)

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