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We pulled into the driveway of our home and started getting out of the car. It felt so weird to be home, since I hadn't been here in such a long time. We all walked through the front door and I went to go upstairs but I was stopped by Josh.

"Daisy," Josh spoke. I turned around to look at him and smiled. "We need to talk."

Oh god

I followed him into the lounge, Tyler had already made himself comfortable on the couch. I was so so nervous. What were they gonna do? Were they gonna send me back to the orphanage? Tears welled up into my eyes and I was terrified.

"We know you just got back from the hospital and all, but we've made a decision that were taking you to a therapy session tomorrow," Tyler told me.

"No, bu-," I started but was cut off.

"No 'ifs' or 'buts'. We've made that decision and that's final. We can't keep having you do bad things to yourself, we love you way too much."

I looked down at my knees and the tears that had been building up in my eyes had finally erupted down my face and into my lap. Both Tyler and Josh walked over and sat beside me, rubbing my back for comfort.

"I'm sorry," was all I said before I walked upstairs and into my bedroom that I hadn't been in for so long. The boys didn't even bother following me, they knew I needed some time to get used to things again.

I sat on my messy bed and stared out the window at the pretty green trees lined up down our driveway. When I looked away from the window and looked back at the wall i caught a glimpse of something that shouldn't have been there. I walked over to my bedside table and examined the small object. It was heavy, wrapped up and had a bow around it. I made a small tear in the paper and saw a smooth white box underneath. My thoughts played around in my mind, wondering what it could be. I stood up and decided to leave it and went back downstairs to ask the boys about it.

"Guys!" I shouted, running down the staircase.

"What's wrong!" Josh came running to me. He looked panicked.

"There's something on my table and I don't know what it is?"

Josh looked confused for a moment and then realised. "Tyjo!" He called. "Come here."

Tyler came wondering to the stairs, also wondering what in the world was going on. "Yeah?" He asked confusedly.

We all walked upstairs into my bedroom and I pointed to the box. Tyler raised his eyebrows at Josh, I'm guessing he finally realised what was going on.

"We decided to surprise you with a gift for when you got back from the hospital," Josh smiled at me, he was rocking back and forth on his toes as if he was nervous for my response to the gift.

"We hope you like it," Tyler added.

I sat on my bed and grabbed the box, staring at it for a second before untying the bow. I placed the ribbon onto my bedside table and carefully ripped the paper. The boys were still watching me, excited looks growing on their faces as I got closer and closer to revealing what it was. I finally ripped off all the paper to reveal a brand new iPhone 6s. My mouth dropped open in complete and utter shock.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I jumped up and down on my bed, shaking the box around which I shouldn't have done. I jumped of the bed and ran to both boys and hugged them tightly. "Thank you," I mumbled into Tyler's chest. I was so happy.

"Well now you've gotta open the box and see what color it is," Tyler laughed, pushing me back towards my bed where I left the box with the phone in it.

I pulled the lid off the box and discovered the phone was silver. I smiled at it but then realised I had never had a phone or anything in my life so I had no idea how to use it.

"Can you guys show me how to use it?" I laughed. They both walked over and Josh took the phone off me and started it up. The apple logo appeared on the screen and it was so beautiful. "Thank you so much," I said again for the one thousandth time, but I really meant it, I was so thankful.

After about half an hour of downloading apps and adding contacts to my phone we were finally done. They didn't teach me how to use any of the apps but I'm sure I could figure it out myself. It was getting pretty late out, so Josh decided to start cooking dinner. They both left my bedroom and I was left alone with my new phone.

I opened it and went to the first app we had downloaded called "Instagram". I went into Instagram and figured out how to make an account. I followed Tyler and Josh and some other famous people and instantly gained a few followers. I went back onto Josh's Instagram page and saw in his bio it said he was from a band, Twenty Øne Piløts. I thought for a moment. The name sounded so familiar. That's when I remembered. That little shit was using shameless self promo on the day they adopted me. I laughed at myself for a while and then went onto the Twenty Øne Piløts Instagram page and saw a photo of Tyler, Josh and I on there. The caption read "picked up this little munchkin from the orphanage today. So so proud to finally be the parents of this beautiful girl!" I smiled at that photo and scrolled down to look through the comments. The first few were nice comments saying they were proud of the boys. But there was one particular comment that stood out a lot to me. It read "you guys are such dumbasses! You should've realised she's gonna cause you so much trouble, she might as well have killed herself already, coming from an "abusive" family. Hope you guys take her back so she can suffer in the real world again." My heart shattered at that comment. It was so rude to not just me but the boys as well. I dropped my phone into my bed and walked out of my room and downstairs, pretending nothing had happened. Why were people like that? I sat at the counter and watched Josh and Tyler cook. Tyler turned around to me and saw the lain in my eyes.

"Are you ok?" He asked, walking over and squeezing my hand.

"No," I shook my head. Nothing will ever be ok...


I didn't know where to end this lmao and I don't even know what I'm doing with my life anymore...

Also today I found out that my Labrador is golden, not dark brown 😂

Stay street fam X

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