Twenty Seven

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This is just a crap filler chapter, sorry. 🙃

- 5 months later: 1 day before tour -


"As a team, we've all decided that Daisy can't come on tour with you," Our tour manager, Kevin, spoke in a serious tone.  My smile, which was plastered on my face from knowing we were going on tour tomorrow, immediately disappeared when I heard those words, as I knew he wasn't joking when he said this.

"B-b-but.... she's our daughter, She has to come!" I cried. I was not leaving Daisy, she made Tyler and I happy and I don't think I could live with myself if we left her behind.

"Kevin, buddy, c'mon," Tyler tried to convince Kevin that this was all a bad idea, which left us all staring at each other in an awkward silence.

Kevin shook his head. "No," he stated, his voice becoming slightly more aggressive. "She's going to distract you from doing what you really need to do. I know she's your daughter, and I know you love her, but this is tour. We can't have her following you around, it will make you look unprofessional."

Tyler patted my shoulder and pulled me into the corner of the room, away from everyone else. "We can't go on tour if Daisy can't come," Tyler whispered to me, looking around to make sure nobody heard what we were discussing about.

"I agree," I told Tyler. It made me feel sick thinking that we might possibly have to leave her behind.

Tyler and I walked back over to the table where the group was sitting at. "We've made a decision," I sighed, staring at Tyler to make sure he wanted me to do this. "Were not going on tour if Daisy can't come with us, besides we've already hyped her up and told her she is coming, so you can't do this to us now."

"NO!" Kevin screamed, standing up out of his chair and slamming his fists on the table. "No means no, guys! All she is is a distraction that's going to stop you from performing your best in shows! You are coming on this tour and that is final! Now stop complaining and go home and get ready, we're leaving at 9am sharp tomorrow morning." Kevin shooed us away. "And tell Your stupid daughter she's not coming!" He yelled after as us we walked out the door and down the hall, ready to go home.

We got into our car and I slammed my door shut. This was not happening. It can't be real. Kevin was such a good dude and then as soon as Daisy was brought up he turned into an angry, moody mess. I pinched myself and closed my eyes, thinking this was all just a dream. 10 seconds later I opened my eyes again. Nope, not a dream, a living fucking nightmare, that's what it was.

I squeezed my eyes closed tightly as I tried not to let all of my tears spill out. Tyler grabbed my hand and I looked up to see him crying too which made me cry even more. I hated to see Tyler cry just as much as I was going to hate having to tell Daisy that tonight was the last night we'd be spending with her for a long, long time.


"You're leaving me?" Daisy looked up at us, tears furiously spilling out of her eyes like two mini waterfalls.

"Daisy," i put my hand on her shoulder, trying to reassure her that it would be okay. The truth was, we couldn't not go on tour. This was the biggest opportunity we had been given, and to tour with Panic! Just made it 10 times better. We were going to have to leave Daisy, no matter how much we hated to think about it. I knew she was never ever going to forgive us after this.

"Why did you even fucking adopt me then?" She asked us, the tears spilling out of her eyes had not stopped since, and they probably wouldn't be stopping any time soon.

"We didn't have a choice!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air, and pushing Tyler forwards so he could talk things through with Daisy.

"You didn't have a choice about adopting me?" She replied. "So you didn't adopt me because you liked me, you adopted me because you were forced to?" She asked, taking a few steps backwards before running upstairs to her room.

"What happened?" I stared at Tyler, confused as to what was going on. I slowly walked up the stairs and pressed my ear against Daisy's locked bedroom door. She was still crying really badly and I felt horrible. I knocked on the door a few times before Daisy screamed.

"Go away! You don't love me!"

"Daisy, that's not true at all! I didn't mean we didn't have a choice to adopt you, I meant you can't come on tour because we didn't have a choice. We even sacrificed our whole career for you, Daisy, but our manager was too reluctant and won't let us do anything about it. We have to go," I cried out to her, leaning against her door to see if it would budge or to see if she had finally opened it. A few seconds later I heard small footsteps from her room. I breathed a sigh of relief as I thought she was going to open the door and give us a chance, but then I heard furniture moving and I knew she had moved something in front of the door. I did the only thing I could think of at that moment and I screamed, and not a manly scream either, an ear piercing, high pitched, womanly scream which most likely woke up the whole neighbourhood.

I sprinted across the hallway and into my own room, pushing past Tyler and knocking him to the ground in the process. I didn't even want to apologise at that moment, I felt nothing, I was numb. I locked my bedroom door and threw a punch in the wall beside it, letting out everything i had in me.

Why couldn't Kevin just let Daisy come with us? I'm going to be a depressed piece of crap if she can't come, and who's going to look after her anyway? If we leave her alone, no doubt she wouldn't be alive by the time we came back, she's suicidal, she can't deal with being alone.

I sat on the floor, staring up at the ceiling and praying to god that something good could finally happen. Suddenly four loud Knocks at my bedroom door shook me out of my thoughts.

"Who is it?" I mumbled, rubbing my fist in the process. I shouldn't have punched a hole through that wall, but then again it felt good at that moment.

"Josh it's me," Tyler spoke. He sounded calm. How the fuck was he so calm in a situation like this? I literally just punched a hole in the wall out of anger and here's Tyler all happy sounding. It's not fair. "Kevin rang." He continued, twisting the handle on my door to try and open it, but he couldn't as it was locked and I was leaning against it.

"What'd he say?" I groaned. The thought of that prick right now made me want to vomit all over the place. I stood up and opened my door, coming face to face with Tyler.

"Daisy's coming on tour with us," he smiled, jumping into my arms. My mouth dropped open in shock.

"Sh-she is?" I asked, not sure if Tyler was joking or not. I couldn't tell at the moment, I was just so shocked and overwhelmed.

"Yeah," he leaned back from our hug and looked me into the eyes. "I rang him and told him what could happen if Daisy gets left alone. He didn't understand at first, but he finally gave in in the end.

"Thank you," I squeezed Tyler so hard his eyes could've probably popped out of his head. If it weren't for him Daisy wouldn't be coming on tour with us, and if it weren't for him I probably wouldn't ever be happy again.



But by the way something from this chapter leads to like the most dramatic thing ever in the next chapter so buckle up and read at ur own risk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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