Chapter 1: Playground

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Armin's POV || Five Years Ago

I let out a long sigh, looking around my new empty home. My grandfather was right behind me, I held my favorite by my side.

Me and my grandfather have just moved to this town called Maria. Not a very interesting name, but at least I have a home. I was really kind of down about moving because I had to move away from where my parents used to live with me when I was really young.

"Armin, why don't you look around the town while I start to unpack?" My grandfather spoke.

I just nodded, "Okay! I'll try to meet some new people while I do!" I smiled.

"I know you probably won't do this, but don't get into trouble." Grandfather says.

"I won't!" I wave happily, walking out the door.

I walk down the sidewalk, looking at my neighbor's house. There was a woman doing laundry, she had dark brown hair put in a small ponytail at the tip of her hair. She had light brown eyes. A small girl was right next to her, I assumed it was her daughter.

The smaller girl had long black hair and a long strand of hair going over her nose, along with her light gray eyes and a dark red scarf. The woman waved at me, I gave a small wave back.

"You must be our new neighbor!" The woman had a soft motherly voice.

I nod, "Yeah! I moved next door with my grandfather!"

The girl looks at me.

"My name is Carla." The woman smiles.

"I'm Armin!" I smile back.

"This is my adoptive daughter, Mikasa, she's your age," Carla tells me.

Mikasa just nods, lifting her hand up and giving me a single wave.

"I have a son that's your age, his name is Eren, he went over to the playground down the block, maybe you two could meet and become friends!" Carla said.

A boy that's my age willing to become my friend? That's just what I need!

"Thanks for the information! I can't wait to meet him!" I say, clutching my book.

"It was truly no problem, hope you enjoy it here!" Carla said.

"See you soon!" I said, starting to run forward.

"Goodbye!" Carla waves.

I continue to run forward, I can't wait to meet Eren! I really need a friend! I hope he's nice and will like me!

I see the playground, there were about twenty kids, I step in the entrance. Beautiful purple flowers were growing around it, but I couldn't identify which ones they were. I wonder which one of these kids are Eren...

"Hey look! It's that one new kid in the town!" A boy older than me snorts.

Is that Eren...?

"Hi!" I give him my best smile.

The boy laughs, looking at his buddies.

Why are they looking at me that way...? Why are they looking at me like I'm worthless...?

The boy in the middle walks up to me, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, throwing me to the ground. I kept my book close, not dropping it. I could feel tears start to form in my eyes.

This can't be Eren...I hope it's not.

"Aww, you don't want to drop your book?" He sneers.

One of his friends rips it out of my hands, at this point I started shaking, "H-hey! G-i-Give it back!" I stutter.

His friend threw the book at my face, the edge hitting me right in the middle of my eye. I yelp in pain. Everyone was looking at us, a lot of them laughing at me.

One of them steps on the side of my head, I put my hand over my eye, I was now wincing, "Please....stop..." One of the tears fell down my face.

The boy snorts, punching me in the nose, making my nose bleed slightly, "Stop!" I scream, more tears falling down my face.

"I never met someone this weak, he's not even trying to fight back!" The boy laughs, punching my stomach, knocking the air out of me.

Soon after that he kicks my cheek hard, surely bruising it. "Please leave me alone!" I cry.

"He's so pathetic." He snorts.

Suddenly, a boy punches the bully in the face, "He said leave him alone!" He shouts, continuing to attack the bully.

"Ugh, Eren always crashes our parties, let's go guys." The bully growls.

Eren...that boy that just stood up for me, is Eren?

"Hey, are you okay?" Eren walks up to me, giving me his hand to help me up.

I grab his hand, standing up and I nodded, "I think so..." I said quietly.

Eren picks up my book, handing it to me, "I believe this is yours." He smiles warmly.

Eren had the same dark brown hair as his mother, including same facial features, but his eyes were a gorgeous teal-green.

"My name is Eren." Eren tells me.

"I'm Armin." I say softly, keeping my hand over my eye.

"Hey, you can come over to my home and I can patch you up if you'd like." Eren shrugs.

"I'd love that! Thank you very much for helping me! I hope one day I can do the same for you!" I smile.

"It was really nothing, I just couldn't stand watching somebody getting beat up like that," Eren says, grabbing my wrist.

He starts walking me over to his home. Carla and Mikasa were still outside, they took a look at me and Eren.

"What happened to him?" Mikasa asks.

"Those bullies started beating him up, I'm going to patch him up." Eren blankly explains.

Carla's eyes widened, "Oh my gosh!"

Eren opens the door to his house, seating me at his table, "I'll get my father's supplies." He tells me.

I just nod, watching him go into his bathroom and opening the cabinet.

I set my book down, looking down, some of the blood from my nose falling on the table. Eren sets some supplies down on the table, sitting on the chair next to mine.

He grabs a wetted napkin, wiping the blood away from under my nose, "Sorry if I don't do that well, I'm not my father." Eren says.

"Is your father a doctor?" I asked.

Eren nods, "Yeah," he gets up and throws the napkin away, seating himself again and getting out a ball of cotton, putting something on it and dabbing it on my cheek.

"So, what do your mom and dad do?" Eren asked.

I shook my head, "My mom and dad died when I was really small, I live with my grandfather and he stays at home and cares for me."

"Oh, I'm sorry if I made you feel bad!" Eren says.

"It's fine, I've gotten over it." I reassure Eren.

After a few minutes, he finishes, gathering up the supplies and puts them away.

I think I've made myself a new friend.

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