Chapter 2: Highschool

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Armin's POV || Five Years Later

I grab my backpack, quickly shoving my supplies in it, excitement filling up inside me.

"What are you so excited about?" My grandfather says from across the room.

"I get to go to school for the first time! I want to hurry so I can walk there with Eren!" I smile, zipping up my backpack.

"I've never seen somebody so excited to go to school." My grandfather chuckles.

"I get to meet new people, and be with Eren for a full day!" I say excitedly. I may or may not have developed a small little crush on Eren over the years.

"I better start heading out!" I tell my grandfather, "See you later!" I say, walking out the door.

I saw Eren and Mikasa already heading out, I run up to them, "Hey guys!" I smile.

"Hi, Armin!" Mikasa and Eren said at the same time.

"You're going to school now?" Eren asked.

I nod, "Yup! I want to meet new people and learn outside of home!"

"Don't go replacing me and Mikasa." Eren jokes, chucking slightly.

"I won't," I laugh softly.

We arrive at the entrance of the school I smile brightly, looking around at the students who were talking to each other.

"Welcome to Wall Rose High!" Eren smiled at me.

"It's still twenty minutes before first period, you should walk around Armin," Mikasa says.

I nod, "Okay! See you guys later!" I ran off.

A girl with dark brown hair, yellowish eyes, and freckles was sitting on the ground, talking to a cute blonde haired girl with bright blue eyes.

I walk up to them and wave, "Hi! I'm new here!" I give them a smile.

"Then talk to the president, he'll show you around." The freckled girl yawns.

"Don't mind her! It's very nice to have a new student, I'm Krista, and that's Ymir!" The blonde haired girl smiles back at me.

"I'm Armin." I reply.

"Do you know anybody at this school yet?" Krista asked.

"Eren and Mikasa!" I answer.

"It's nice to know that you won't be lonely on your first day." Krista said.

"Im happy about that too." I rub the back of my neck.

"Hopefully you'll be in Class three with your friends and me and Ymir!" Krista says warmly.

"I hope so too, I'm going to get my schedule from the principal right now." I wave, walking into the school to the principal's office.

The principal was talking to a rather small guy with black hair and gray eyes, the principal looked about a foot taller than him.

"Uh, excuse me, sir?" I say.

They both look at me, "What do you need?" The principal asks.

"I'm new here and I need my schedule, my name is Armin Arlert." I rub the back of my neck.

"Oh right, I'm your principal Mr. Smith," He says, handing me my schedule, he also gives me a map of the school.

I look at the top of my schedule, It read, 'Class 3' at the top, I sighed with relief. "Thank you sir!" I smile, walking out.

I find Eren and walk up to him, "I got Class 3!" I say happily.

"Yay! That's awesome!" Eren smiles.

"Are there any bullies in Class 3?" Armin asked.

"Not really," Eren shrugged, "Some people might come off rude but you'll get to know them."

I nodded, "Alright!"

The bell rang and the students started walking to their classes, I followed Eren to a classroom which had the sign, 'Class 3' above it, there was one empty seat for me and I sat down at it.

Soon, all the students were seated. I was sitting right next to a guy with dark brown hair, freckles, and light brown eyes.

The small guy who was talking to Mr. Smith walked into the room, "Alright I'm doing role call." He says blankly.

"Mikasa Ackerman?"


"Armin Arlert?" I heard my name.

"Here!" I respond.

"Marco Bott?"

"Here!" The guy next to me said, raising his hand.

"Jean Kirstein, Krista Lenz, Ymir, Bertolt Hoover, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhardt, Sasha Blouse, Connie Springer." He says.

"Here!" They all say at the same time.

He calls the rest of everyone's names, nobody was absent, so I guess that was a good thing.

After a lot of long lessons, it was lunch period, Armin walked with Eren and Mikasa down to the lunchroom.

Today has been great so far.

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