Chapter 12: Hospital

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Armin's POV




I awoke to the sound of beeping noises.

What happened....? Where am I....?

I open my eyes, I was in a hospital room.

"Why am I here...? What happened...?" I whisper.

"Oh, you're awake!" The soft kind voice of a nurse said.

I look at her, "Why am I here?" I ask.

"Well, you were found on the ground by a guy named Eren, your stomach was sliced open and you were drugged." The nurse explains to me.

"Who sliced my stomach opened and drugged me?" I ask.

"That's what I was going to ask you." The nurse blinked.

"I...don't know..." I sigh.

"That drug must have done something with your memory." The nurse tells me.

"How long have I been in here?" I question.

"Two days, that drug had some effect." The nurse smiles.

"Where's, Eren?" I ask weakly.

"He's at his house, I can call him if you want." The nurse insists.

"Please do." I say politely.

The nurse picks up her phone, dialing Eren's number and speaking with him.

Who drugged me...? Why am I here...? I can't remember anything, the last thing I remember is it was raining outside and I was in Eren's arms...

"Eren is on his way." The nurse tells me.

"Okay, thank you." I smile.

"Your smile is very nice, sorry if I sound weird." She shrugged.

"You're fine, I get that a lot." I reassure her.

"I love your smile." I remember Eren telling me, which caused me to smile.

After about a half an hour, Eren walks into the room. The nurse walks out to leave us alone, Eren takes a seat next to me.

"Who did this to you?" Eren says lowly.

"I don't know, the drug made me lose my memory..." I tell him.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Eren asked.

"I remember it started raining outside, and that's it." I shrug.

"You don't remember Thomas and Mina?" Eren raises an eyebrow.

"Who's Thomas and Mina?" I ask.

"It's better if you forget," Eren sighs.

"Okay, thank you Eren, it was probably a bad memory." I smile.

"Anytime." Eren smiles back at me.

"Thank you for visiting me," I thank Eren.

"It was no problem." Eren hovers over me giving me a peck on the lips.

"I will figure out who did this to you, and when I do they will be sorry." Eren growls.

"It's fine Eren, maybe I just hurt myself on accident..." I blink.

"And you drugged yourself on accident, I don't think so." Eren narrowed his eyes.

"I guess you have a point." I chuckle.

"I wonder who did do this to me..." I sigh.

I'm sorry. Bertolt's voice echoed through my head.

"I do remember Bertolt saying something!" I pop my head up.

"What did he say?" Eren stood up.

"He said 'I'm sorry' nothing more, nothing less." I blinked.

"I guess I'll have a little talk with Bertolt then...." Eren says, walking out.

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