Chapter 5: Stay With You

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Armin's POV

"What do you mean Eren, who won't you ever see again?" I asked, sitting in front of him, setting my hand on his shoulder.

"Armin, my mom got into a car accident." Eren cried, looking up at me.

My eyes widened, but I continued to listen.

"She died from it..." Eren cried.

I leaned forward and hugged Eren tightly, "Im so sorry Eren..." I could feel a tear grow in my eye as well, only because I hated seeing Eren this way.

"I'll never see her again..." Eren whimpered.

I grabbed Eren's face and kissed him.

Did I just do that?! He's depressed right now and I kiss him?! I'm an idiot, he probably hates me now...

I could feel Eren kiss me back, which gives me a sign that I'm probably not an idiot. I start to blush red, as butterflies filled up in my stomach.

After a few quick seconds, I pulled away, hugging him.

"I know how you feel, and trust me Eren, it gets better." I reassure him.

Eren hugs me back, "You always know how to make me feel better." He sighs.

"That's what I'm here for." I reply with a smile.

"Hey, Armin?" Eren's voice darkened and filled with a serious tone.

"Yes, Eren?" I pull away from the hug, looking into his teal-green eyes.

"Do you promise you won't leave me too?" He asks, rubbing his arm, slightly embarrassed.

I smile slightly and reply, "I was never planning to, I want to stay with you."

A cute smile went on Eren's face, almost as if he had almost forgotten Carla had died.

I'm glad I could make Eren feel better, especially since a family member had died.

"When are you coming back to school?" I ask.

"Probably next week at the most, why?" Eren answers.

"I just feel lonely there without you and Mikasa." I shrug.

"There's a lot of nice people there, you could make some new friends." Eren replied with a smile.

"Well, there was this really nice guy named Marco that walked me to school today..." I start.

"Marco really is a friendly nice guy, he would make a great friend for you." Eren says.

"I's know that I'm kind of anti-social and awkward around new people..." I shrug.

Eren cups his hands around me cheeks, "You'll do fine." He smiles.

I blush slightly, "Do you really think so...?" I asked.

"I know so." Eren's gaze softens.

I couldn't help but put a smile on my face, I look down shyly.

"I love your smile." Eren says, putting a finger under my chin.

I blush, "I like your eyes..."

Did I really just say that?! We weren't even talking about eyes...I can be a real idiot sometimes.

Eren lets out a soft chuckle.

"I made this situation really awkward..." I blushed.

"It's fine, Armin." Eren says.

"So...what are we now...?" I asked.

Don't judge me, I know his mother died and all but I'm just curious.

"A secret couple." Eren chuckles.

"Secret?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"I'm just kidding, you can tell people if you want." Eren sticks out his tongue.

"So we're dating then?" I connect my hands together.

"If that's what you want." Eren shrugs.

"Yes! It's what I've wanted since the beginning, I'm so happy!" I say fast and blush after I say it.

I give Eren another hug, I felt warm inside.

What is this strange feeling...I've never felt it before....

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