Chapter 6: Long Weeks End

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Armin's POV

The long week of not having Eren at school has finally ended, it was a bright Saturday morning.

I yawn, sitting up in my bed looking around my room. My vision was blurry since I had just awoken so I rubbed my eyes.

I get out of my bed, my bare feet touching the cold hardwood floor, sending a shiver up my body. I walk into the bathroom, grabbing my comb and brushing my hair.

My grandfather was still sleeping, so that mean't I got some time so myself. I walk back into my room, looking in my dresser for something to wear for the day.

I picked out casual jeans and a white t-shirt, nothing special. I grab my book and go outside. A huge test was coming up and I needed some time to study, one of my favorite places to study were at a picnic table right next to the playground where me and Eren met.

I smile to myself, remembering the day five years ago where he stood up for me and we became friends. I walk down the sidewalk, going to the direction of the playground.

I bump into someone and I stumbled backwards, but staying on my feet. "I'm so sorry!" I apologized looking up to see who I had ran into.

"It's fine Armin," I looked up to see that it was Bertolt who I had ran into.

"Oh, hi Bertolt!" I smile, waving.

"What are you doing down in this part of town?" I ask.

"I was heading over to the café to have coffee with Reiner and Annie." He explains.

"How long have you three been friends?" I said, wanting to spark up a conversation.

"Me and Reiner have been friends since we were small, we've been friends with Annie for a few years." Bertolt responds.

"Oh! Okay! Sorry for distracting you, carry on." I say.

"It's alright, Armin, see you at school," he waves, walking off.

I continue to walk over to the playground, as soon as I arrived there were already people sitting at the table.

Those are the bullies that bullied me my first day here, they would also cyberbully me on some social media...

I walk past them without looking at them, trying not to draw attention to myself.

"Is that Arlert?" I could hear one of them say.

"I'm pretty sure it is." His friend replied.

I start to panic, they noticed me, how can I escape this? My face grew red with embarrassment. My heart was about to beat out of my chest and I walked faster.

Suddenly, somebody grabbed me by the back of my shirt, pulling me backwards making me fall on the ground.

"Still holding a book I see, Arlert?" The person who beat me up five years ago smirked.

"Please leave me alone..." I beg, whimpering slightly.

"Aw, you're whimpering." He smiled.

"Please..." I whisper.

"Is Yeager not here to protect you this time...?" He said in a strange voice.

"I just wanted to study, I don't want any trouble here!" I yelp.

"You're such a nerd." He growls, kicking my chest.

"Leave him alone!" Eren runs up to the bully, punching him straight across the face.

The bullies friends just watched, not even helping their friend out.

The bully tried to punch Eren in the face but Eren caught his fist. Eren kicked the guy on the leg hard, causing him to lose his balance, falling backwards.

"That was a dirty move!" The bully hissed.

Eren ignored him, walking over to me and helping me up, "Are you okay?" He asked.

I nod, "Yeah, thank you Eren." I smile.

"What are you doing here Eren?" I asked.

"Well I knew you were gonna come here this morning and I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go to the café," Eren rubs the back of his neck.

"Like a date?" I smile jokingly.

"If that's what you want to call it." Eren chuckles.

"Sure, but I probably won't talk that much because I really need to study." I tell him.

"That's fine, just didn't want to go alone." Eren says.

Eren grabs my hand and we start walking to the café.

"Bertolt said he was meeting Reiner and Annie at the café too, maybe we'll see them if they haven't left already." I shrug.

"I don't think Annie really likes me," Eren laughs.

"Hm? Why not, you're so friendly." I smile.

"Just the way she looks at me, she stares at me like she's plotting my murder," Eren chuckles.

"Annie does look pretty scary, even though she doesn't mean to." I say.

We arrive at the café, Eren opens the door for me and does a little bow, I let out a laugh, walking in.

"You can sit down, I know what you like," Eren says.

"Thanks." I nod, taking a seat, I set my book down on the table, looking around.

I noticed Bertolt, Reiner, and Annie sitting at the table behind us. After a few minutes, Eren comes back with his own drink and mine. He gives me my coffee and sits on the chair in front of mine.

"Thank you." I smile, picking up my coffee and taking a sip out of it.

"It was no problem, really." Eren replied.

A group of four walk into the building, there were three boys and one girl.

"Those are the senior students that people say were Mr. Ackerman's favorite." Eren tells me.

"The red-headed girl is Petra, the blonde is Eldo, the black haired one is Gunther, and the one with the light brown hair is Oluo." Eren informs me.

"You know your students," I smile.

The group seats themselves at the table next to ours.

"Why do people think they are Mr. Ackerman's favorites?" I say more quiet since they could actually hear us now.

"Mr. Ackerman just hung out with them a lot, only reason." Eren said.

"Maybe they'll become friends with us!" I smile.

"Those cool seniors friends with us freshmen? Totally unlikely." Eren says.

"I guess you're right, maybe one day though." I reply.

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