Chapter 18: Nurse & Office

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Eren's POV

I sat for about ten minutes, in the extremely quiet nurses office.

Ugh, where the hell is the nurse? I'd like to get everything over with and go to Mr. Smith's office.

Suddenly, a woman entered the room, she had short dark brown hair with glasses and a lab coat.

"Ms. Zoë?" I question.

"Well heyo Eren-O!" She gives me a smile.

I scoff at that strange nickname she gave me.

"What's wrong?" She asked, sitting down next to me.

"I almost got choked," I explain.

"Gee, no wonder! You're eye is red!" She pokes my cheek.

"H-Hey!" I stutter.

"Oopsie, sorry!" She takes her finger away from my cheek.

She touches my neck, "Does that hurt?" She asked.

I didn't feel any pain, "No." I tell her.

She pinches my neck softly, "Does this hurt?" She pushed up her glasses.

Once again, no pain, "No." I say again.

A mischievous smile tugged at her face, which worried me. She slammed her foot on mine as hard as she could. Pain rushed through my foot, causing me to wince in pain.

"Did that hurt?!" She laughed.

"Yes!" I growl, standing up.

"Hey, I was just kidding. You're fine." Ms. Zoë smiled.

The phone rang, Ms. Zoë picked it up, "Heellloooo?" She said.

Only after a few seconds she responded, "Kay, don't have too much fun!" She set the phone back in its place.

"Eren Yeager to the office!" She pointed her finger out the door.

"Thanks, Ms. Zoë." I mumble.

"No problem-o!" She smiled.

I roll my eyes, walking out of the door, heading down to Mr. Smith's office.

Ms. Zoë is such a foot really hurts now! Why did they call me down even though they didn't know if I was okay or not. It was probably Mr. Ackerman, the deep, dark voice on the phone sounded like his.

I open the door, seeing Ymir already sitting down, she glanced over at me, her eyes full of hatred.

"Take a seat." Mr. Smith told me, he pointed to the seat next to Ymir.

I sighed hesitantly, but walked over to the chair and sat down. I saw Mr. Ackerman in the corner, watching our session.

"Now, I want to know exactly what happened, Yeager, you go first." Mr. Smith told me.

"Well, uh..." I start.

"Just hurry up." Ymir growls.

"Ymir, let him talk." Mr. Smith said coldly.

"Well, she told me she visited Armin in the hospital...---" I started but Mr. Ackerman interrupted.

"You two are being suspended from school for a week, no need for explanation, I have a funeral to get to and I don't have time for this. Hopefully when you come back you brats will be better behaved, come on Erwin," Mr. Ackerman said.

"Dismissed I suppose." Mr. Smith shrugged, "I have already called someone to pick you both up." He stood up.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Ackerman walked out of the room.

"Who's the enemy Eren?" She asked, walking out of the room.

"Huh? What?" I stand up, darting out the door, my head moving around looking for Ymir, she was nowhere in sight.

What a strange girl...

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