Chapter 4: Changed

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Armin's POV

It was Monday, Eren and Mikasa hadn't walked to school today, so Carla had probably drove them to school.

I started walking down the sidewalk, it was the second day I've ever been at a school and I'm already walking to school alone, but I guess a lot of students have to do that.

I saw the guy who sat right next to me in Mr. Ackerman's class walking down the sidewalk on the opposite end of the street, he was walking with somebody else.

I run over to them, "Um, hi!" I wave.

The freckled guy looks at me, "You must be the new kid, Armin!" He smiles warmly.

"I haven't properly introduced myself to you yet then, I'm Marco Bott." He says.

"I'm Armin Arlert." I introduce myself.

"This is my friend Jean Kirstein." Marco points to the guy walking next to him.

"Hi." Jean waves.

"So, why are you walking alone? Don't Eren and Mikasa walk you to school?" Marco asked me.

"They didn't come out this morning, so I assume Carla took them to school," I shrug.

"Could they have gotten sick?" Jean asks.

"Eren was completely fine yesterday, and he and Mikasa getting sick on the exact same day is rather unlikely, don't you think?" I reply.

Marco nods, "Oh well, guess we'll figure it out once we get to school."

I walked with Marco and Jean until we got to school grounds, I waved them goodbye and looked around for Eren and Mikasa, not even a sign of them.

The bell for first period rang, I sped walked to class, taking my seat next to Marco.

As Mr. Ackerman did role call, Eren and Mikasa weren't present, worry filled over me.

Where could they be? Did they both get sick? Did something happen to both of them? Could they be in the hospital?!

All these terrible things that could've happened to them filled my head for the rest of the day, I barely listened in any of my classes, luckily not getting called on. Heck, I didn't even eat a quarter of my lunch!

"Hey, are you gonna eat that?" A feminine voice says right night to me.

She had light brown hair put up into a ponytail, and light brown eyes. She was seated next to me and a guy smaller than Mr. Ackerman. "Uh, no, you can have it." I push my plate to her.

"My name is Sasha by the way, and this is my friend Connie!" She smiles, looking at the food on my plate, handing a small amount of it to Connie.

"I'm Armin," I say quietly.

"What's wrong?" Connie asked me.

"Oh, I'm just worried about Eren and Mikasa, that's all," I give a fake smile.

"I understand," Sasha nods, starting to eat the food off of my plate.

For the rest of the school day, I sat there, worrying. Soon the school day was over and I gathered my things from my locker.

I walked home from school, quickly opening the door to my home, setting my backpack down on the table, not saying a word, I then quickly ran outside, running to Eren's house.

I knocked on the door several times, "Eren?! Eren?!" I called.

The door slowly opened, and Mikasa was there, her face emotionless, "Now is not a good time, Armin." She told me.

"You look fine! Why weren't you at school today?" I asked.

"Armin, right now, is not a good time." Mikasa repeated, but this time with a colder voice.

"Can I talk to Eren?" I asked.

"No!" Mikasa hissed, shutting the door on my face.

I stepped back, I don't know why but I felt tears filling in my eyes. I wiped my eyes before any could fall, and I looked down, knocking on the door again.

Mikasa opened it up again, "Sorry I shut it on your face." She apologized.

"It's fine, but can I please just talk to Eren?" I asked.

She hesitated for about two minutes, then just nodded, inviting me in.

I sped walked in, "Eren?" I called.

I walked to the door of his room, it was closed, now, I know I should've knocked, but I was just too worried.

I turn the doorknob, walking in, Eren was sitting on the floor. His knees were up to his chest, his face buried in his knees, I could hear his muffled crying.

"Eren?" I say softly.

"She's gone, and I'm never gonna see her again." He cried.

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