Chapter 11: Trap

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Armin's POV

I had left Eren's house a few hours ago. I run down the sidewalk, looking around for Annie, hopefully finding her.

I bump into Reiner, "Sorry." I blink.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going next time." Reiner grows lowly.

I wanted to roll my eyes but I decided not to, "Do you know where Annie is at?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?" Reiner replied.

"I just wanted to talk to her." I smile.

"About what...?" Reiner keeps questioning me.

"That's none of your concern, now where is she?" I ask.

"She's at the picnic table near the playground studying for that one test." Reiner shrugs.

"Thank you!" I say politely, running over to Annie's location.

I wasn't looking below me so I tripped over a rock, falling on my face, and a huge pain in my leg.

I yelp in pain, holding my leg.

"Armin, are you okay?" Annie's calm voice says as she hovers over me.

I squeak, standing up, "Yeah, I'm fine! Oh Annie!" I blink.

"Did you need something, Armin?" Annie asked, her blue eyes gazing at me.

"Actually, yes." I say, my heartbeat raising.

"Go ahead, tell me." Annie says.

I started to get really nervous, "Why...." I had a sudden feeling I was gonna throw up.

"What is it?" Annie tucks some of her hair out of her face.

"Did you..." I gulp, rubbing the top of my head.

"Why did I do what?" Annie narrows her eyes.

"Why did you kill Thomas and Mina...?" I froze up, rubbing the back of my neck, I shut my eyes.

Annie looks at me funny, "What?"

"Why did you kill Thomas and Mina...?" I repeat.

Annie lets out a long terrifying laugh, "Oh Armin..."

My eyes randomly started to  fill up with tears, "Why did you kill them...." I whisper.

"There were no room in advanced classes for me." Annie blinked.

"That's the reason you killed them?! I'm going to tell the police!" I squeak.

"I'm glad I could be a good person to you, but in a few seconds, you won't remember anything that happened and you'll wake up in the hospital..." Annie sighs.

"What...." I start to shake, my eyes filling with pure fear.

Annie did a strange hand movement and somebody was grabbing my neck.

"Why didn't I kill you there? I don't know...." Annie sighs.

"I'm sorry," I look up to see Bertolt grabbing my neck, holding a needle to my arm.

"Bertolt please no!" I cry, tears falling down my face.

Annie runs her thumb over her ring, a blade popped out of it, "I should've just killed you there, don't worry, this won't really hurt."

"ANNIE!" I scream.

"Just so it looks like an accident..." She murmurs, slicing the blade across my stomach.

Tears streamed down my face nonstop, I shrieked in pain. I felt a needle enter my arm and I became drowsy.

"I'm sorry..." Bertolt's voice was the last thing I heard before I fell unconscious.

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