Chapter 7: Seniors

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Armin's POV

"Why are you two talking about us?" Eldo looks over at me and Eren.

"Are you kids fans or something?" Oluo sneered.

"Shut up." Petra growled to Oluo.

I blush red, "O-Oh! Eren was just talking about you guys!" I smile politely.

Petra just smiled back, "Yeah, we're pretty popular aren't we?"

"Armin's pretty new, so I like to point students out to him." Eren says.

"Good choice of who you pointed out today." Oluo smirked.

"I said shut up!" Petra shoves Oluo softly.

"You know Petra, you aren't getting any steps closer to becoming my wife," he said, biting his tongue, drawing some blood.

"I hope one day you bite off your tongue and die." Petra hissed.

"Sorry about them, they act like an elderly couple sometimes," Eldo explains.

"An elderly couple?" Petra and Oluo narrow their eyes.

"Why do people think you're Mr. Ackerman's favorites?" I smile, trying to get the two to stop fighting.

"Mr. Ackerman only has one favorite, it's Mr. Smith," Gunther winks.

The three of the seniors let out a soft quiet laugh. "We hung around him a lot, that's why people think we are his favorites."

Me and Eren nod.

Annie was staring at Eren, not a nice glare, but one that seemed like she wanted to straight up kill him.

I glanced at Annie and then she looked away from Eren, she took a sip of her coffee, Bertolt took a glance at her.

Annie just shrugged, setting down her drink, nudging some of the hair out of her face.

"I'll be right back, Eren." I say politely.

I stand up, walking over to the table Bertolt, Reiner, and Annie were sitting at.

"Hey, guys!" I wave.

"Hey, Armin." Annie says blankly, her blue eyes meeting mine.

"Why are you looking at Eren like you want to kill him?" I ask, with a slight laugh.

"That is my regular stare." Annie narrows her eyes.

"She's pretty scary, huh?" Reiner chuckles, setting his hand on her shoulder.

Annie gives Reiner a glare, Reiner puts his hands up in defense.

"Good choice." Annie says coldly, taking another drink of her coffee.

I just nod, "So Annie, I hear you're trying for advanced classes." I say.

"Correct." Annie nods, setting her drink down.

"You must have a lot of goals in mind." I shrug.

"I guess I do," Annie replied.

"She's not really talkative," Bertolt tells me.

"I can tell," I smile, "I'd love to try for some advanced classes but id rather have all my classes with Eren."

"Ah, are you guys, like, a thing?" Reiner asked.

"If that's what you call it." I blush.

"I'll get back to Eren then, sorry for bothering you!" I bow apologetically.

"You were no trouble." Annie blinks.

I walk back to the table me and Eren sat at.

Those three don't seem the same as everyone else would act, oh well, I guess everyone is different.

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