Chapter 17: Fight

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Eren's POV
Some foul language in this chapter

I walk into the lunchroom, the tie for my school uniform messed up.

"Fix your tie." Ymir walks past me, her gaze made me fix my posture. Krista followed behind Ymir, smiling, the braids in her hair bouncing up and down.

I  quickly fixed my tie, looking at Ymir and Krista. Krista glanced at me, her soft blue eyes meeting my teal-green ones.

"Do you think she's scary?" Krista asks.

"Pft, no." I kind of lied.

"Really? Because I think she is." Krista giggled, continuing to follow Ymir.

Everyone thinks she's scary, huh? Well I have to admit, she is kind of scary and mysterious. Suspicious.

I shake my head, rubbing it off, not seeing Armin at school was strange for me, he was used to not seeing me. I see Ymir walk in front of me, she looked down at me.

"I visited your boyfriend a few days ago." She told me, her yellowish eyes looking down at me.

"That look isn't good, did you do something to him?" I started to get protective.

"My regular look isn't good then?" She snorts, "No, why would I hurt someone weaker than me?" She asks.

"Watch your mouth!" I growl, shouting slightly, causing to get some looks from other classmates.

"Ymir---!" Krista started.

"Watch yours." Ymir blinked.

"Then maybe you shouldn't be a bitch and insult my boyfriend!" I shout, soon I'm pretty sure the whole lunchroom was looking at us.

"I was just calling him weak, what? It's true." Ymir said.

I went to hit Ymir but she grabbed my hand, twisting it.

"Woo! Go Ymir!" I heard Jean's voice shout.

Soon almost the whole cafeteria was rooting for their favorites, I saw Marco trying to tell Jean to stop, but he was failing.

"Stop acting like a baby, if you want me on your side act normal." Ymir said, twisting my hand harder.

"Says the person that doesn't act normal herself!" I hiss.

Ymir's gaze became even more terrifying, sending shivers down my back.

"Hey, Eren!" Krista's soft voice said.

Reiner grabbed Krista's hand, "I don't think it's safe to be near them, Krista." He gently pulls her away.

As soon as Ymir saw Reiner grab Krista's hand, Ymir broke. She swung her fist at me, hitting me hard in the eye. Her gaze getting scarier and scarier.

I shook my head, not letting her get to me, I punched her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Ymir growled loudly.

"Did Eren seriously just punch her?"

"He's so dead, Ymir's gonna kick his ass now."

"Hey Ymir! Do it for Krista!"

"Ymir, kick his fucking ass!" I heard voices boom throughout the cafeteria.

Ymir narrows her eyes at me, grabbing my neck, I tried to breathe, but I couldn't.

She's gonna kill me! She's not mad at me she's mad at Reiner for holding Krista's hand and taking her away! Oh god please let somebody help before she kills me....

"You shouldn't be insulting the one who's trying to help your boyfriend." She murmurs so only I could hear, her hands still grasping my neck.

I tried to respond, but I couldn't.

"Oh shit! She's actually gonna kill him!"

"Somebody stop her!"

"I thought they were just joking around at first!"

Suddenly somebody removed Ymir's hands from my neck, I look over and see Marco.

"You two need to get along, I'll take you to the nurse Eren, your eyes are red." Marco said calmly.

"And you miss, are going to the principals office." Mr. Smith appeared behind Ymir.

"Ha, you're screwed." Mr. Ackerman smirked at Ymir.

"And I expect to see you too after the nurse checks you out, Yeager." Mr. Smith raises an eyebrow at me.

"Uh, yes sir!" I say, doing the school salute.

"Thank you, Marco, for breaking up the fight," Mr. Smith looks at Marco.

"O-Oh! It was no problem!" Marco's freckles darkened as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Mr. Ackerman grabs Ymir's arm, taking her to Mr. Smith's office. Marco looked at me, probably asking me if I was ready to go, I nodded.

Krista watched as Ymir got taken away, sadness filled her eyes, "I didn't do anything to help her..." Krista said to Reiner, me being the spy that I am overhearing.

"There was nothing you could do." Reiner pats her head, making Krista smile.

Marco starts taking me to the nurses office, "Sorry I didn't do anything sooner." Marco frowned.

"Oh! It's fine Marco!" I look at him.

"Heh, thanks." Marco smiled.

"Thank you," I smile back.

"No problem." Marco replied, opening the door to the nurses office.

"Have fun." He smiled.

"Oh, I will." I joke, chuckling slightly.

I walk into the nurses office, sitting down in a chair, waiting for the nurse to arrive.

"You shouldn't be insulting the one that's trying to help your boyfriend."

Ymir's words echoed through his head.

What did she mean? Gah, why does she have to be so confusing.

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