Chapter 16: Ymir

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Nobody's POV

It was a new day, Armin had woken up in his hospital room, looking up at the ceiling and let out a long sigh. He ran his fingers through his hair, then setting it next to him, not moving the sheets off of him or anything.

I'm sorry....

He heard Bertolt's worried voice echo through his head, Armin turned his head to the side, looking at his arm, a tiny spot where the drug had entered his arm. He ran in index finger over the spot. He remembered hearing Levi and Isabel through the door.

The doctor said there is no way you can live...I'm sorry Isabel....

Levi's sad voice filled his head, Armin shut his blue eyes, feeling tears fill up.

Why must the happy, energetic, kind, useful ones always die?

Armin had thought that ever since he was very young, he had even asked his mother before she had passed on.

"Well, I asked my mom the same thing!" Armin's mom's soft voice told him.

"What did she say?" A small four year old Armin blinked.

"When you go into a garden, what flowers do you pick?" His mom had asked him.

"The most beautiful ones...." Armin answered.

"That's the reason." His mother smiled.

Armin couldn't hold and back and a tear rolled down his cheek. He gripped his bed, turning his head again, looking at the ceiling. His tears blurred his vision, he rubbed his eyes with his fist, his vision normal again.

I just want to know who did this to me...Ill forgive them if I must. I just want Eren to not worry about who did this to me anymore. I know he's just trying to protect me but he's trying to hard. I want all of this to just get over with.

Armin thought, putting his hand on his forehead. Armin looked at the table right next to his hospital bed. There was a vase filled with the beautiful purple flowers from the playground, a note attached to it, which read

Hope you get will soon, Armin! -Love Eren.

Armin couldn't help but smile, there were a small amount of cards from his other classmates, and some of his teachers. Over the past few days, some of his classmates had visited him and had spoke with him, yet, his strangest encounters had been with Ymir. She would have said really strange things that even Armin could answer. Many people have told Armin that Ymir would say or do strange things. But the most that Ymir would mention would be about Reiner, Bertolt, and Annie. As if Ymir were trying to tell Armin something about the three friends. But Armin just shook it off, not thinking anything about it. But what Armin thought was the strangest about Ymir was that she had no last name that anyone had knew about. She also had no parents anybody knew about.

"Do you know someone you value more than yourself?" Ymir had asked Armin.

Armin blinked and shut his eyes, "Yes."

Ymir just looked at Armin, her gaze was rather terrifying and sent shivers down Armin's body.

"Good." Ymir just said, standing up and walking out.

"Wait! Why did you ask!?" Armin shouts.

"Who's the enemy, Armin?" Ymir turned her head back, one again gazing at Armin.

"I...." Armin started.

Ymir had shut the door, walking out of the hospital.

What was that question supposed to mean? What was the purpose of asking those questions? Heck, even Armin didn't know, the only person who would know was Ymir.

Am I the one that is strange? Or is it Ymir? Is that a question everyone gets asked? Or does Ymir know something that she cannot say? For now, I can only predict, but one day I'll know. One day.

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