Chapter 3: Visit

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Armin's POV

It was the next day, I walked over to Eren's house next door, knocking on the door.

Eren's father, Grisha opened the door, "Oh, hi, Armin." He said.

I waved, "Hi Mr. Yeager, is Eren home?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's in his room." Grisha nods, inviting me in.

I walk inside, looking around Eren's home, "Hello, Armin!" Carla gives me a wave.

"Hi Mrs. Yeager!" I smile, giving a wave back.

"What brings you here?" Carla asks me.

"Eren said I could stay the night tonight!" I answer.

Carla nods, "Make yourself at home then."

I smile, walking to Eren's room, he was sitting in his room, on his laptop. He was scrolling through Facebook.

"Hi Eren!" I say.

Eren looks at me, "Hey, Armin, you're early." He says.

"I already had everything ready, so I decided to come earlier." I shrug, setting my stuff down on Eren's desk.

"What are you looking at?" I take a seat next to Eren.

"Just our classmates Facebooks." Eren shrugs.

I look at the screen, the first picture I saw was one of Ymir and Krista, Ymir had her arm wrapped around Krista's neck, keeping her close.

"Are they dating?" I asked Eren.

"Ymir likes to think so." Eren smiled.

I let out a small laugh.

"Even some of our teachers have a Facebook, Mr. Ackerman, Ms. Zoë, Mr. Zachirus, and Mr. Smith do." Eren tells me.

"I'm not really that surprised about Ms. Zoë," I smile.

"I wasn't either." Eren sticks his tongue out.

A couple of hours passed by, I had accidentally fallen asleep on Eren's bed.

I woke up slowly, I felt two arms wrapped around me, at first I panicked slightly in my mind. Then I noticed who's arms they were.

They were Eren's.

After I figured out that, I blushed red, my heart pounding in my chest, butterflies filling in my stomach.

I could feel Eren breathing softly on the back of my neck, which made me blush even redder.

At least I can tell he's sleeping, and I'm not embarrassing myself right now.

I could feel Eren waking up, so I did what any regular person would do that had a huge crush on someone who had just wrapped their arms around them.

I squealed and rolled out of his bed landing face first on the floor, blushing like a madman.

Eren shot up, "Woah! Armin are you okay!" He says, sitting up looking at me rolling up on the floor, blushing.

"Y-y-yeah, I-I-I guess!" I reply.

I sit up, trying to hide the blushing on my face, but I couldn't.

Eren stands up, sitting in front of me.

"Hey, sorry if I made you feel weird and embarrassed, I just got tired and I didn't want to move you and I totally didn't realize I wrapped my arms around you." Eren explains.

"N-No! It's fine!" I put my hands up, now blushing even more.

Eren looks at me and smile fills his face, "You liked it didn't you?"

I fall backwards, more embarrassed than I already was, I let out a very awkward muffled noise.

Eren chuckles softly, "Maybe I didn't accidentally wrap my arms around you." He shrugs.

He did it purposely?! I have to admit...that makes me feel way better, and yes I did enjoy it.

I sit up, looking down, "Okay, I liked it..." I admit.

And I like you ahahaha.

"I knew it." Eren does the strange hand movement.

"And yes, I did purposely wrap my arms around you, because I like you Armin." Eren tells me.

Well this is officially the best day of my entire life.

"Really?! Because I've liked you ever since I met you and I was hoping that you liked me back but I was too embarrassed to tell you and I thought you just wanted to be friends!" I say really fast.

Eren raises an eyebrow, "I've liked you since the beginning too, Armin."

I smile, tackling Eren and hugging him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Still blushing and burying my face in his shoulder.

No words can explain how happy I am right now.

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