Chapter 15: Levi's Friends

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Armin's POV

Mr. Ackerman walked pass me.

"Hey, Mr. Ackerman!" I call.

He turns his head over to me, "You can call me Levi in public." Levi said.

"What are you doing at the hospital?" I ask.

"Visiting my two friends, if you want to get in my business so bad then you are free to come in the room with me." Levi said.

"Thanks, I'd love to meet 'em." I smile.

Levi leads me to a room, he opens the door and a girl was laying down in a hospital bed. She had dark red hair put into pigtails with bright Aqua eyes.

"Brother! You're here!" She squeals.

"You have a sister?" My eyes widened.

"No, she just likes to call me that." Levi rolls his eyes.

"Hey!" The girl smiled at me.

"Hi, my name is Armin Arlert!" I smile back.

"Isabel Magnolia." Isabel responds.

"Is Farlan here too?!" Her eyes dart around the room.

"No, he said maybe tomorrow." Levi said.

"Levi Ackerman can I talk to you?" A nurse pokes her head through the door.

"Uh, sure..." Levi shrugged, following the nurse out.

The nurse shut the door.

"Hmmm I wonder what they're talking about?" Isabel says.

"Maybe Levi will tell you when he gets back in?" I shrug.

"So, how do you know Levi, Armin?" Isabel asks.

"He's my teacher, what about you?" I answer than ask.

"We've been friends for twenty years," Isabel blinks, her Aqua eyes shining brightly.

"Who's Farlan?" I ask.

"My other brother!" She beams.

"Is he really your brother or friend?" I asked, really confused with her system.

"My friend, but I see him as a brother." Isabel sat up, her messy hair falling in her face.

Levi walks back in, a blank expression was filled on his face, "Armin, can you leave? I have to tell Isabel something." Levi said.

"Oh, okay." I nod politely, walking out.


Sorry this chapter was so short, I'm just really sad right now and I haven't been doing well, thanks for reading.

I don't know when I'll update next, it'll either be tomorrow or another time this week.

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