Chapter 20: Future {Final}

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Five years later...

Armin's POV

I know I've probably made a lot of stupid decisions in my life, and one is deciding not to go to college just to be with Eren. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Eren, but he didn't want to go to college and I wanted to stay with him so I chose not to go to college. We're both twenty now and we live in our own house.

I heard the door open, "I'm back!" Eren's voice shouted, echoing through the whole house.

"Where did you go?" I question, walking up to him, stopping dead in front of him.

"I went to the café with Mikasa, Connie, and Sasha." Eren explained to me.

"Aw, without me?" I smile, shutting my eyes and tilting my head slightly.

"You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up, you looked so cute." Eren smiles back at me, kissing my nose.

I blush pink, "Thank you for not waking me up, I didn't get that much sleep last night, I woke up really late and it took me two hours to go back to sleep."

"Anytime, Cinnamon Bun." Eren smiles, rubbing the top of my head.

"Cinnamon Bun? Where did that come from?" I chuckle at that ridiculous nickname.

"It just came to my head just now, you like it?" Eren looks at me, a wide smile on his face.

"Never call me that again." I snort jokingly.

"Im gonna call you it around all of our friends." Eren teases me, starting to speed walk away.

I chase after him, grabbing his waist and pulling it against mine, "No you aren't!" I laugh.

"I'm totally going to." He escaped my grasp, chucking softly.

"No you aren't!" I repeat with a smile, tackling him.

Eren looks up at me, "What's going to make you stop me?" He laughs.

"This!" I say, putting up a finger and leaning down and kissing him passionately.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds, I then pulled away.

"Fine, you win, Cinnamon Bun." Eren smiled.

"Stop it!" I chuckle, hitting him gently on the shoulder.

"Fine, fine. I'll stop." He says.

I get off of Eren, brushing off my clothes, Eren stood up seconds after me.

Maybe I didn't make a mistake, maybe not going to college was a good thing. I get to be with the one I love and I couldn't be happier.

"Hey, Eren?" I say.

"Hm?" He replied, his beautiful Teal-green eyes meeting my blue ones.

"I love you." I smile.

"I love you too." Eren responded, kissing me.


Thank you everyone SO much for reading this! This is actually my first Fanfiction I ever wrote and I was not expecting it to get this many reads. I decided to give it a cute ending instead of a sad one. If you are not tired of my Eremin Fanfiction I will be making another one, but it will be a whole different story than this one.

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