Chapter 8: Is this it?

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Armin's POV

I was at Eren's house, sitting on his bed next to him, laying my head on his shoulder, seeing what he was looking at on his computer.

I've had this strange gut feeling that something bad was going to happen, but I guess it's just nothing?

"Where's your father?" I ask Eren with a cute smile.

"He's in a different town pretty far away doing Doctor stuff." Eren shrugged, not knowing what kind of doctor stuff his father, Grisha was doing.

I look away from Eren's computer screen, my blue eyes flickering around the room. I straddle forward on his bed, going up to his window. The clouds were a very dark gray color, almost black. A storm was coming.

Small rain droplets hit the window, making a small noise when it hit the window. A huge roar of thunder shook the house slightly. The rain grew heavier, making more thunder roar.

The wind picked up outside, some leaves falling off of trees. Lightning struck in the distance, making me jump, I feel backwards, landing on Eren's back.

Eren chuckles slightly, "Do you not like thunderstorms?" He asked, turning off his computer.

I shook my head, "Not really, they're kind of scary to me." I reply.

Eren wraps his arms around me, setting his head on my shoulder, "Looking out the window makes me feel better." He tells me.

I smile, looking out the window, seeing some people run to their houses to get away from the rain.

The rain was now very heavy, it pounds against the window. Thunder echoes through the town. I saw a girl with the same black hair as Mikasa running down the street. She had her hair put into two small ponytails, she had light gray eyes.

A boy was behind her, he had rather light blonde hair and brown-yellow eyes. "Those people out there don't have umbrellas or anything." I say.

Eren looks at out the window, "That's Mina and Thomas, some of my neighbors." Eren explains.

"Im going out there and I'm gonna give them an umbrella." I say, getting up and grabbing my umbrella that I brought just in case.

"Armin, wait!" Eren calls, but I was already out the door. I run up to Mina and Thomas.

The heavy rain hit me, making my hair and clothes wet. "Mina, Thomas!" I call, waving.

Mina and Thomas look at me, "What do you need?" Mina asks politely.

I walk up to them, handing Mina the umbrella, "Here, you probably have a long way to walk, so here's an umbrella." I smile.

"Oh, thank you! What's your name?" She asked.

"My name is Armin Arlert, I'm hanging out with Eren right now!" I introduce myself.

"I'm Mina Carolina, and he's Thomas Wagner." She introduced her and her friend.

"Hey!" Thomas smiles.

"We go to the same school as you and Eren we are just in class one!" Mina tells me.

"That's advanced classes!" My eyes widened.

"Ha! Yup!" Mina smiles.

Suddenly something happens right before my eyes, I let out a shriek, my eyes filling up with fear and tears.

"Armin!" Eren calls.

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