Chapter 14: Hanna

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Armin's POV

Since my stomach wasn't healed yet, I was scheduled to stay in the hospital for a few more days. The Hospital in our town was very big and nice. It had a room where people who had to stay over nights could talk to other people staying overnight. There was also a very small restaurant. I sigh, getting out of bed and walking to the room. I sit down in a chair that was empty, laying my head back. I really wanted to know who had done this to me, but I just couldn't remember. Eren was at school right now so I couldn't invite him over to the hospital to talk to me.

I look around the area, there was a small girl with ginger hair put up into a ponytail, she looked about my age. She was sitting in a preppy way, her hands crossed together and set on her lap.

"Uh, hey!" I wave, to the girl.

The girl looks at me, "Oh, finally, someone wants to talk to me." She smiled, her freckles on her face going up.

"My name is Armin!" I smile politely.

"My name is Hanna." The ginger smiles back.

"Is there anyone that visits you here? Or did you just get here?" I ask.

"My boyfriend Franz visits me most of the time." Hanna tells me.

"My boyfriend Eren and her sister Mikasa visits me!" I tell her my own answer to my own question.

"Awe, that's sweet." She smiled, looking at me.

I blush slightly, "I think your boyfriend visiting you is sweet too!"

I'm so awkward....

"He is pretty sweet himself, anyways, I know this is a boring question, but what's your favorite color?" Hanna asks me.

Eren's eye color, I know that sounds really cheesy but it reminds me of the ocean somewhat.

"Teal-green." I reply with a half smile, "What about you?"

"Dark yellow, it's just a pretty color to me." Hanna answers.

I nod, "I honestly can't think of anything else." She lets out a soft laugh.

"It's fine." I say politely.

"I have to head back to my room anyway, maybe I'll see you tomorrow or later today, Armin, bye." She smiles, waving.

"Goodbye." I wave back.

I notice Mr. Ackerman at the front desk, talking to the person behind it.

What's Mr. Ackerman doing here? Is he visiting someone or is he hurt himself, either way I think both of those are unlikely, maybe I'll know later.

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