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The stage was lite by red light surrounded by many small tables that were each lite up by candle light. The only other lights in the club surrounded the large bar that lined up the back wall. Steve liked his place dark, giving as much privacy to his customers and ladies as possible. The only room that was lite up by a grim light was the VIP lounge. This room also had a bar but not as big as the main room. It included two poles both surrounded individually by black leather couches, a table that set in the center of both with ashtrays, along with a hookah.  Steve decorated every inch of the place for this was his baby, his life, his everything. The hired every employee himself not trusting others judgment but his own. He only wanted people that were about money, not drama. If he suspect such you were fired, no second chances. Being 6’3 270 people rarely fucked with him and he liked that so revenge or retaliation was never a problem for him. Sitting on the second-level in his office he couldn’t help but smile at his success.

            Trey Songs song, Dive In filled the room and all heads turn their attention to the stage just as a girl came out wearing a white bathrobe. Her hair was flowing down her back in waves of blue shades. Her hair went from sky blue to dark blue as it reached her tips that stop just above her butt. Some might find this weird but on this redbone it was beyond sexy…exotic.

            Running her hands through her hair she swayed her hips a little before starting her routine. Everyone that was a regular at Lucky Charms knew that Ice was the best dancer there, even Steve. When she first came to the club she was seventeen. Steve was trying to throw her out for being underage when she collapsed on the floor. Rushing to check on the girl quickly became aware of her body that at several bruises. She looked as though she hadn’t eaten in days. Carefully Steve scoop her up immediately feeling a pain tugging at his heart. Steve had never gotten the luck of settling down or having children for that matter but he always knew if he had he would make a great father. Seeing this outraged and hurt him. What parent would allow this to happen to their child?

            When he reached his office he laid the girl down on his couch then went into his private bathroom to grab a wash cloth. He had fixed his office up to resemble a mini apartment. Some nights he would get so caught up in his work he wouldn’t make it home. Returning with the damp cloth he wiped the girl’s forehead softly. Soon she was stirring as she began to wake up. When she finally did realize where she was she started screaming and fighting Steve taking him completely by surprise. He couldn’t count the times he had told her he wasn’t going to hurt her before she relax. The crying soon followed.

            For the next hour Steve left the girl alone. Not really knowing what to say or do. He dealt with a lot due to the club life but never an underage girl passing out on him, even worse in her condition. He was kind enough to order her some food not liking her appearance and brought her up some drinks the club use to mix the liquor with. After what seem like forever she spoke revealing her name…Lakita. She told him she had nowhere to go and really needed this job. Steve thought this over for a long time. When he did speak he offered her a place to stay till she found another job. She decline. He came up with over 100 options but she refused them all. When she got up to leave he couldn’t stop himself for stopping her. That was two years ago.

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