Chapter 22

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The next morning was Christmas Eve. Maurico was out with the guys finishing up with the last minute shopping while the women stayed home cooking and taking care of the kids. Mainly I watch them. It seems as though nobody wanted the pregnant lady in the kitchen. I didn’t mind though Marcelo was very busy and all I wanted to do was lie down and relax. Sofia interacted with her cousins the best she could but they were gentle with her so I had no worries. I loved seeing them play with her so I just sat back and watched. Tomorrow was the big Christmas party so other people were over helping to set up things and wrap gifts. Theresa seems to lover her parties because she always seemed to be hiring help. I could see why though. Whoever came too decorated always did an excellent job.

By the time Maurico came back I had fallen asleep on the couch. He woke me then help me to the dinner table were everybody sat ready to eat. I blushed apologizing to everyone while I took my seat. As soon as everyone was settled dinner quickly began to be served. I ate only speaking when spoken to. Maurico was feed Sofia as he ate then I stood dismissing myself to give Sofia her bath. The little one knew how to make a mess but Maurico and I found it absolutely adorable instead of getting mad like some parent might.

We bathe together playing in the water for a little while then we got out changing into our pajamas. Sofia was already rubbing her eyes as I scooped her up and got into bed. Maurico came in soon after. He looked stunning in his black suit. I couldn’t help but check him out the whole time he undressed leaving on only his boxers. Climbing into next to us he pulled Sofia onto his chest and pulled me closer into his side so that my head rested on his chest to.

Giving me a long kiss he asked “how my favorite ladies?” then planted a kiss onto of Sofia’s head. She had already fallen asleep. Usually when she lies on her father’s chest she would fall asleep instantly.

“Sleepy,” I whispered snuggling closer into him.

“My son must have been very active today.”

“He was. Seriously Maurico after this we’re taking a break.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“I’m serious. I’m not having any more kids until we are an actual real family.”

“We are a real family Lakita.”

“You know what I mean Maurico.”

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